

We are delighted to share with you the latest news and insights from our recent International Educator Training and Exchanges in Estonia (06.05 09.05.2024)  as part of the EKSEN project. Together, we spent an unforgettable week exchanging experiences, engaging in discussions, and finding inspiration that we're eager to share with you. 

Day 1

Day 1 started with a short concert prepared by our students, showcasing their talents and hard work. Kids invited guests to join in for some of the dances. Following this energetic start, we transitioned into the presentations where Talinn Liikuri Kindergarten and educational system of Estonia were introduced. During the tour of the kindergarten, our guests had the opportunity to see everything we had talked about. They found it fascinating to compare our kindergarten with those in their own countries. Throughout the tour, there were many questions asked, showing a keen interest in our practices and methods. 

Following this insightful presentation, we engaged in an icebreaker game designed to facilitate introductions, where we had to find a partner by asking questions. The concept of inclusion was then thoroughly discussed, prompting us to ponder whether our group could be considered heterogeneous. After that participants created word cloud depicting their initial thoughts upon hearing the word "inclusion." 

Later, we gathered in the assembly hall to delve into the process of identifying students with special educational needs, discussing how to effectively work with them, the importance of parental involvement, and the support available to teachers.

It was a day filled with engaging discussions and valuable insights into inclusive education practices.


Day 2

Day 2 was dedicated to classroom activities. Our guests were divided into two groups and had the opportunity to attend four different sessions each. They visited the swimming pool, a music class, an Estonian language lesson, the creative Gigo laboratory, flower themed integrated class, and an art session with children with special needs. 

Afterwards, all the teachers who conducted the sessions gathered in the hall to provide further details about the methods they employed and to answer the questions. They also organized an interactive exhibition showcasing various teaching aids, demonstrated different robots, and showcased innovative teaching tools. Additionally, the music teacher demonstrated how she uses balloons, blankets, and fish-shaped balls to capture the children's attention. It was an engaging and informative session that allowed for deeper insights into our teaching practices. 

The day was dynamic, offering diverse experiences and interactive learning opportunities for all involved. 


Day 3

On Day 3, we had the privilege of visiting Vivere School, a private institution that operates both under the national curriculum in small classes of twelve students and under a modified curriculum in classes of six students. The head of teachers gave us an insightful presentation about the institution and then led us on a tour of the premises. Additionally, we had the opportunity to observe one of their lessons. During our visit, we witnessed firsthand how the school is organized and how they support students at different levels. We were deeply moved by the level of support provided to the children. 

After our visit, we returned to Tallinn Liikuri Kindergarten, where our teachers conducted two workshops. In the first workshop, participants had hands-on experience with the Ozobot robot. They experimented with drawing paths for the robot using color codes, directing its movement in specific ways. After that they attempted to learn a poem by using pictures attached to the robot's path as aids. Later, participants had the opportunity to engage in a soap-making workshop. Each person crafted their own soap with their preferred scent, color, and shape. These personalized souvenirs will serve as lasting memories of the project. 

Following the workshops, all participants shared their feedback on the event. We all agreed that what we're doing isn't just a job—it's a mission. Helping children with special needs is incredibly important to all of us. It's about making a real difference in their lives, ensuring they have the support and resources they need to thrive. It's a privilege to be part of such meaningful work, and we're committed to continuing our efforts to create a more inclusive and supportive educational environment for all children. 


Day 4

On Day 4, we embarked on a cultural program to explore the rich heritage of our region. Our destination was the historic old town of Tallinn, where we immersed ourselves in a captivating quest that allowed us to discover the city's hidden gems and learn more about its history and culture.

The quest was not only an opportunity to explore the city but also to bond with each other as we worked together to solve clues and complete challenges. It fostered a sense of teamwork among us, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Throughout the day, we admired the stunning architecture of the old town and strolled through its picturesque streets. We also treated ourselves to some delicious local dishes and enjoyed the distinct flavors of the region. 


 Congratulations to all participants for their dedication and commitment to inclusive education. Your passion and efforts make a real difference in the lives of children with special educational needs. Together, we continue to strive towards creating a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all. Well done!

Schedule for our upcoming events

Event: International Adaptive Sports and Arts Programs 

Date:  October 14-17, 2024 

Location: Lithuania, Vilnius

Event: International Inclusive Education Workshops 

Date:  March 17-20, 2025 

Location: Latvia, Upeslejas

Event: Parent information sessions 

Date: April, 2025

Location:  Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

Event: Final conference 

Date: May 19, 2025

Location: Lithuania, Vilnius