I'm very grateful to everyone who taught me math at different stages of my education. I want to say a special thank you to the following three people.  Everything I do in mathematics would be impossible without their advice, attention, and support. 

Stella Sinyakova

My high-school math teacher in Moscow school 315.

 She showed me the buity of mathematics, encouraged me to apply to the math department of Moscow State University, taught and supported me during the difficult period of participation in math olympiads  and admission process.

She also organized a camping trip where I slept in a tent for the first time in my life and showed me the joy of being in the wild nature. 

Olga Kulikova

My  undergraduate research advisor at Moscow State University. 

She introduced to me Abstract Algebra, taught me various courses, invited me to attend the geometric group theory seminar at Steklov Mathematical Institute, supervised my master thesis and gave me great support during all my six years at Moscow State University. 

Denis Osin 

My current PhD advisor and unofficial undergraduate advisor. 

He worked on a research project with me remoutly for three years during my undergraduate in Russia and taught me a lot during that time. 

He encouraged me to apply to Vanderbilt, supported me in moving from Russia to the US in 2022. 

He continues to teach me and give me advise both in mathematics and life in graduate school.

My hobbies

I used to do mountaineering and cross-country ski trips with the Moscow State University mountaineering club back in Russia and I hope to return to this activity someday.

I started climbing when I moved to the US and I enjoy it a lot.