EJ products and expertise

ensure safe landing for

London City Airport’s

Major Expansion Plan

The challenges

Serving the world-famous financial services hubs in central London, London City Airport is a privately owned international airport located in Newham, 10 km from the city centre.

Working closely with a well-known engineering firm and their main contractor, London City Airport planned and designed an extensive project strategy to develop and upgrade the runway and taxiways.

In terms of infrastructure access solutions, London City Airport needed a partner who understands the issues faced by contractors, the maintenance unit and the airport management team.

With tight timeframes, limited working hours due to potential flight disruptions and site-access issues to manage, only a supplier with airport-project expertise could provide an optimized solution.

EJ as the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of manhole covers were chosen due to their proven track record in safety and maintenance cost savings solutions.

Throughout every stage of the project, onsite

meetings and technical support were

provided by EJ Airport Projects Specialists, adding insight and offering advice where required.

The works

Runway and taxiways refurbishment 

The main contractor overlaid the existing runway, widened taxiways Alpha, Bravo and Charlie and reinforced taxiways Delta, Kilo and Mike.

Assisted covers and frames from EJ were installed to decrease labour intensity and provide safe and quick access to the underground networks.

Airfield ground lighting upgrade

AGL was upgraded to include LED lighting and install a new centre-line lighting. AGL installation is a key work and the expertise of EJ ensures easy access to the network and lighting system reliability.

Drainage network extension

This included the installation of a new pit and duct network. Gratings were supplied to supplement the increased water run-off requirements.

EJ as a partner: the proven benefits

One-stop-shop – a superior EJ product portfolio means that stakeholders could review all requirements and specifications, knowing that they will receive both quality products and genuine insight.

Reliability and Airport insight - EJ can offer solutions to the most complex project challenges faced on airport construction sites. Expertise and value – EJ as the specified supplier were able to offer cost savings and tangible project value through detailed project management, demonstrating real expertise.

FOD Compliance – Foreign Object Debris (FOD) is potentially a very serious safety risk and EJ supplied built-in FOD compliant-key solutions.

Safety – from products capable of handling heavy traffic and wheel loads, to safety features like the FOD locking device, safety bars and more, EJ manhole covers and drainage solutions have been engineered with project, client and end-user safety as a priority.

Specified and supplied solutions

Hinged triangular ductile iron covers and frames

DT9S075075A F900 - DT9S150075A F900

DT9S225075A F900

∙ Anti-rock

∙ Maintenance free

∙ High wheel loads and high traffic intensity resistance

∙ EN 124 Third party certified

Hinged and assisted ductile iron covers and frame

HH9S091091FODL F900

∙ Easy to open, enabling one-man operation

∙ Extra large clear opening

∙ Safety bar

∙ Foreign Object Debris -compliant locking device

∙ High wheel loads and high traffic intensity resistance

∙ EN 124 Third party certified

Hinged and assisted ductile iron cover and galvanised

steel frame

FC9S180090AVPJ 900 kN

∙ Safety bar

∙ Foreign Object Debris -compliant locking device

∙ High wheel loads resistance

Drainage ductile iron linear grating and frame

CA1085FVL  F900

∙ Large waterway area capacity

∙ High wheel loads and high traffic intensity resistance

∙ EN 124 Third party certified

Download our new catalogue: 

Access Covers and Drainage Gratings for Airports and Ports

Visit our website: www.ejco.com

Download the case Study London City Airport

Airports & Ports

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Mail to Alberto Candil

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