
Preliminary information

We have been exchanging with the organizers of the HCI engineering workshop at EICS 2019 and decided to have some joint work. This is of course optional and will not interfere much with our workshop on “Research and Practice Challenges for Engineering Interactive Systems while Integrating Multiple Stakeholders Viewpoints”.

Monday June 17th

14.00 – 17.00 – Optional joint session with the Workshop on HCI Engineering. Most of the time devoted to short presentations of all the accepted papers at that workshop on HCI engineering.

Tuesday June 18th - Presentations: 10 minutes + 5 minutes for short questions / remarks

Session 1 : Introduction

9:30-9:45 - Introduction and presentation of the workshop objectives & Round table with information about expertise and background from participants

Session 2 : Papers presentation (1) Focus on Interactive Systems Engineering – chair Célia Martinie

9:45-10:30 - Presentation of papers 2, 4 and 7

Session 3 : Papers presentation (2) Going Beyond Interactive Systems Engineering– chair Peter Forbrig

11:00-12:10 - Presentation of papers 1, 3, 5 & 6

12:10-12:30 - Preparation for focused discussions (identification of topics)

- Proposal to be discussed: multiple points of views on hard (system related) properties e.g. reliability, security, performance, WCET, …

- Proposal to be discussed: multiple points of views on soft (human-related) properties e.g. UX, time to market, fatigue, training costs, …

Session 4 : Focused discussions

14:00-14:45 - focused (panel) discussions (set of topics one) - Jan Van den Bergh (chair)

14:45-15:30 - focused (panel) discussions (set of topics one) - Regina Bernhaupt (chair)

Session 5 : Reporting and future directions

16:00-16:30 - focused discussions on reporting and presenting results

16:30-17:00 - focused discussions on future work

17:00-17:30 – Optional: Joint session with shared presentation of workshops results with Workshop HCI Engineering (report 20mn each)

List of accepted papers (presenters in bold)

Paper 1 : Crafting Privacy: Two Case Studies Integrating Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Privacy in Design. Maaike Harbers1, Mortaza Bargh1, Florian Cramer1, Sunil Choenni1, Jeannette Nijkamp1 and Anne Nigten2, 1Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands and 2The Patching Zone Rotterdam, Netherlands

Paper 2: Stories, Use-Case Slices and Behavioral Models: Unifying Stakholder's Views. Peter Forbrig and Anke Dittmar, University of Rostock Rostock, Germany

Paper 3: Integrating Humans in Decentralized Control Systems with Autonomous Transport Vehicles under the Premise and Use of Proxemic Distances. Thomas Kirks, Jana Jost and Tim Uhlott. Fraunhofer IML, Dortmund, Germany

Paper 4: On the Importance of Supporting Multiple Stakeholders Points of View for the Testing of Interactive Systems. Alexandre Canny, Elodie Bouzekri, Célia Martinie and Philippe Palanque. ICS-IRIT, University Paul Sabatier – Toulouse III, Toulouse, France

Paper 5: When You Don't Know With Whom to Collaborate: Towards an Interactive System Connecting Contributors in a Research Project. Jil Klünder, Wasja Brunotte and Kurt Schneider. Software Engineering Group, Leibniz University Hannover and Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD, Hannover, Germany

Paper 6: Understanding and Exploring Operator Needs in Mixed Model Assembly. Jamil Joundi1, Peter Conradie1, Jan Van Den Bergh2 and Jelle Saldien1. 1imec-mict-UGent, Dept. of Industrial, Systems Engingeering and Product Design, Ghent, Belgium and 2 Expertise Centre for Digital Media, Flanders Make – tUL – UHasselt, Hasselt, Belgium

Paper 7 : An Attempt to Fathom the Role of Annotations in User-Centered Design Process. Jean-Luc Hak1, Olivier Nicolas2, Marco Winckler1,3 and Philippe Palanque1. 1ICS-IRIT, University Paul Sabatier – Toulouse III, Toulouse, France, 2 Softeam, Toulouse, France and 3Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Sophia Antipolis, France