HISTORY - the Imperial Period

The Penguins Republic was a confederal republic consisting of the Wilkes State (situated in the Wilkes Land) and a piece of land in the Antarctic Peninsula. The Penguins Republic had King John I as a de facto leader, but no official Prime Minister or Chancellor of state was elected until the establishment of Eintrachtia, so the King held the work of the Chancellor, as a Chairman of the nation.

In 2020, King John changed the name of the state to "Eintracia" from the German word "Eintracht" meaning unity and concord. Eintracia begin to expand its overseas territories to Portugal and the United Kingdom in July 2020, making those territories as "colonies". On 30th May 2021, the Government of Eintracia decided to move the location of the capital, Concord, from the original location in Wilkes Land to the small territory in Setubal, Portugal. On the same day, the Constitution was officially passed after 4 years of the establishment of the micronation, forming the Constitutional Republic of Eintrachtia, and later renaming to the Kingdom of Eintrachtia.