Hui Sung Lee


스마트모빌리티와 서비스로봇을 연구하고 개발하고 있습니다. 이런 시스템을 위해 다양한 임베디드 시스템을 연구하고 개발하는 엔지니어입니다.

I'm an associate professor of the Design Department at UNIST(Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology), directing the Design and Electronic Convergent System Lab. My lab creates novel sensing and interface technologies that foster powerful and delightful interactions between humans and machines. This research often lies in emerging use modalities, such as touch/gestural interaction, voice interaction, and emotional interaction. These technologies are applied and deployed to Personal Mobilities or Social Robots. Please see my research page for more details.

Design & Electronic Convergence System

Design Department


Ulsan, Republic of Korea

T: +82-52-217-2731, E-Mail:

스마트모빌리티 또는 서비스로봇을 연구하거나 개발하고 싶으신 분은 연락주세요~

Anyone who wants to work or research with me is always welcome to contact me.