The who, what, and why of EHO

Hi! I'm Maggie Whitman, an 8th grade civics student at Manchester Essex Regional Middle School.  I created this website as part of my civics project to make options for tax help, resources, and more easily accessible for people. 

This spring when the school budget was being discussed, I heard a lot of peoples' concerns about community members (specifically senior citizens) struggling to stay in their homes because of the raise in taxes from an override. I decided I wanted to do something, so that if people did need the financial help to stay in their homes, there would be a resource they could use to find out what options there are in an easy and efficient way. 

On this site, you can find information about resources for senior citizens, disabled citizens, and others. Also, if you'd like to support this, you can volunteer to help me bring more resources to our town by going to the "How To Help!" tab. 

I hope you find what your looking for! Thank you for your time :)

Feel free to reach out at any time, it may take a little bit for me to respond but I will get back to you as soon as possible!


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