Tourism: The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and adventure facilities may not frequently occur. Hazardous areas/activities are not always identified with appropriate signage, and staff may not be trained or certified either by the host government or by recognized authorities in the field. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is typically available only in/near major cities. First responders are not always able to access areas outside of major cities and to provide urgent medical treatment. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance. See our webpage for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage.

Great Wonders of Egypt, a Cairo-based destination management company that specializes in cultural tourism and adventure tourism, said over half of its American travelers have canceled their trips for November and December.

Egypt Tourism

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During the Egyptian Revolution of 2011, the number of visitors plummeted by over 37% that year falling from 14 million in 2010 to 9 million by the end of 2011. This has impacted a diverse range of businesses directly or indirectly dependent on tourism, from travel accommodation and tourist attractions to car rental and air transportation, as well as health and wellness industries. Tour operators offering heavy discounts to encourage tourists back have been somewhat successful at the Red Sea resorts where prices remain lower compared to 2011.[7]

In 2013, Egypt ranked 85th as the world's best country in terms of tourism and traveling, falling ten places from its ranking of 75 in 2011. However, it regained some ground in the 2017 rankings being rated 75th overall.[9][10] As of the 2019 rankings, Egypt ranks 65th overall.[11]

The tasks of tourism security in Egypt are carried out by the General Administration of Tourism and Antiquities Police, which is responsible for developing plans to secure tourists and protect antiquities, museums and cultural facilities within the framework of the general plan of the Egyptian Ministry of Interior. In order to fulfill the components of that mission, the administration secures the movement of tourist groups by paying close services to accompany the tour groups, securing tourist and archaeological facilities and sites, securing tourist and Nile cruises, combating tourism crimes that tourists may be exposed to and archaeological crimes, following-up tourism companies and shops and receiving notifications of tourists against them, publishing Police rescue vehicles that ensure the security presence in all tourist cities, and ensure the elimination of cases of trespassing. Given Egypt's Middle Eastern and African status, and its location in the midst of a regional conflict zone, it has been subject to several unfortunate terrorist incidents, the most famous of which is the Luxor incident in 1997, the Cairo incident in 2005, the Sharm el-Sheikh incident in 2005, the Dahab incident in 2006 and the downing of Metrojet Flight 9268.[16][17] All combined have negatively affected the tourism sector during that period. However, the tourism sector returned and regained its activity quickly during the 2010s and especially after the most recent 2017 Hurghada attack to achieve the highest annual tourism revenues.[18]

In 2020, Egypt's tourism revenue dropped by about 70% to US$4 billion, reducing tourist arrivals to 3.5 million from 13.1 million in 2019. As stated by the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE), Egypt's revenues from tourism for the months of 2020-2021 fiscal year plunged by 67.4%.[24] According to Khaled al-Anani, the average number of tourists who visited Egypt in April 2021 is nearly half of the average monthly number of 2019.[25]

The sector is a major source of foreign currency for the cash-strapped North African country. Last year, tourism revenues surged to $10.7 billion, up from around $5 billion in 2021, according to the Egyptian central bank.

Egypt has made a years-long effort to revive its battered tourism industry. The sector was badly hit during and after the popular uprising in 2011 that toppled longtime autocrat Hosni Mubarak and the ensuring unrest. The country received over 14 million tourists in 2010.

That picture up there is the current state tourism in Egypt. The pyramids; one of the most famous and ancient landmarks on this planet. Empty. But why? I spent 6 months as a tourist in Egypt, I've promoted it throughout completely unsponsored, and here is why tourism in Egypt has taken a turn for the worse and exactly how it can be mended.

Yes, this effects tourism. I had an email recently from a lady who said she wanted to visit Egypt but had heard the animals were treated badly and now wonders whether she should go. Here was my response: "It's awesome that you are thinking of visiting Egypt - it's such an amazing currently, however, I have to say most animals used for tourist transportation (in the pyramids etc) really aren't treated well and sadly look very undernourished and sometimes in pain. While I know this may put you off I really hope you get to experience the wonder of Egypt and can help educate the world on how to treat animals better. A great article that was released recently by GypseaLust tells her tale of witnessing animal cruelty in Egypt.

If you are still reading by this point and haven't taken offence to my honesty, then you are already on the right track. There's no denying tourism has taken a hit - for many reasons - but there are still so many beautiful things about Egypt. I've never discouraged anyone from visiting and in fact, I have tried my hardest to make a small change! (We are on 1.5 MILLION views on the "10 things you need to know before you visit Egypt") but I have to say my favourite thing about Egyptian people is their SMILES and encouragement. Through all of my adventures around Egypt, I felt like I had an army of supporters ready to offer me anything I needed. You Egyptians certainly know how to put on the charm and most of the time it is completely genuine. You'll laugh with us, offer us crazy amounts of tea (with wayyyy too much sugar) and smoke us into a haze with shisha. You are proud of your country but also want to see changes, and ultimately you also know there is a problem with tourism. So maybe we can make these changes together?

The protracted Russian conflict with Ukraine threatens several tourist destinations that rely on Russian visitors. Turkey, Uzbekistan, the UAE, Tajikistan, Armenia, Greece, Egypt, Kazakhstan, and Cyprus are among the top 25 countries for outbound Russian tourism by flight capacity, according to Mabrian Technologies, an intelligence platform for the tourism industry.

Egypt member of parliament Hany Alassal stressed that the opening of new tourism markets would help mitigate the effects of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, which harms the global and Egyptian tourism sectors.

Ibrahim, who has worked in the tourism industry for 28 years, points out that the situation significantly improved in October and November of last year, but the emergence of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus in December resulted in large cancellations of reservations, so the situation worsened dramatically in January.

He explains that the (ETPB) is currently working to open new tourism markets, particularly in Germany, England, the Czech Republic, Italy, and Switzerland, following the lifting of travel restrictions to Egypt.

Egypt, home to ancient pyramids and Red Sea resorts, aims to boost tourism by up to 30% annually over the next five years, bringing in private firms to operate sites and inaugurating a huge museum around the end of 2023, its tourism minister said.

"I think Egypt deserves and should be able to grow its tourism industry by 25% to 30% per annum consistently over the coming decade. And that should get us to about 30 million (visitors) by the year 2028," Issa told Reuters in an interview.

Egypt is offering incentives to shore up its tourism industry in southern Sinai on the Red Sea, with fallout from Israel's war on the Gaza Strip so far contained to under 10% of bookings in the country, the Egyptian tourism minister said on Monday.

Ratings firm S&P Global warned on Monday that a fall in tourism due to the Gaza war could cause significant problems in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. Some travellers are cancelling or postponing holidays to the Middle East and North Africa.

"So far the impact is on the customers who have bought the regional products, because the tourism sector in Israel has actually practically shut down, so this is where we're seeing the most significant impact," Issa said on the sidelines of the World Travel Market trade fair in London.

Depending on whom you ask, any and all of these statements true. What is undeniable, though, is that since the 2011 uprisings that brought down long-time strong man Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian economy has experienced a series of dramatic ups and downs. This has been felt most acutely in the tourism sector, long an engine for growth and stability in the country. With over 25 years in the tourism industry, Amr Badr would know.

Georgetown Public Policy Review: From the post-9/11 lull to the fall of former-President Mubarak, you have weathered quite a few storms working in the Egyptian tourism industry. How does the current situation compare to challenges over the last ten to fifteen years?

GPPR: Working in tourism in Egypt and elsewhere is often a route to a comfortable middle class life. Has the perception of tourism changed at all during the post-2011 economic downturn? Are young people still entering the industry?

About a week ago, General Sisi met with 50 or 60 travel leaders in Egypt. His opponent candidate [Hamdeen Sabahi] also met with leaders in the industry. It is clear that every party in the country understands that tourism is a major part of the economic recovery and that they need to support it, and perhaps even rely on it. Everyone understands that building a manufacturing base or developing a strong industrial sector will take time. On the other hand, Egypt already has a strong tourism sector. The sphinxes are there, the pyramids are there, the Nile is there. You can jump-start that business. What you need is a more stable situation. With that, you need better promotion and awareness of the situation and what the country can offer. Every sector in Egypt is a problem. Tourism is a solution. e24fc04721

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