3 AM

3 AM

Version: 1.0.0

by Evan's GameStudio

Release: 20 Nov 2021 


Game Desription:

This game will tell someone who experiences something strange. Then this person was carried away into a strange place. What happened next? Play 3 AM!

- You must exit the game first, before replaying (we forgot to fix this bug)
- In android version, the Exit Button is not working (I'm sorry about that)

Install For Windows

Install For Android

File Size

Windows 64-Bit

TOTAL: 300,3 MB

Windows 32-Bit

TOTAL: 272,3 MB

How To Install

3 AM


System Requirements

3 AM


By downloading this .exe file, you promise not to edit and package it, even until you admit it this is your own file. You can only enjoy this file, and have no intention of hijacking this file. This .exe file has a version. If there is an update, you can update it manually (Not auto update).  So it's a good idea if you keep looking at our official website updates,  to get information about this application update. 


You can do this if you want to update 3 AM or delete it for other reasons.

1. Locate the EGS Games folder. (Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\EGS Games Assets)

2. There you can find various kinds of files that support the function of the application. Please do not disturb the files, because it is one of the agreements of the EULA.

3. Double click on the unins000 button.

4. Click 'Yes' if you are absolutely sure you want to delete this application.

5. Application deleted successfully.