
We invite submissions of 2-4 page papers (extended abstracts), such that any work presented in our workshop is not restricted from being submitted to future conferences. Paper submissions are mandatory to participate in the workshop challenge and will be peer-reviewed by the organization team. The review will be single-blind.

A submission should:

  • Be PDF format using the ECCV style (guideline), 2-4 pages extended abstracts excluding references.

  • Be ongoing or already published work.

  • Participate in at least one challenge.

We will publish all accepted extended abstracts on our workshop website.

Important Dates:

  • Extended abstract submission deadline: Oct. 8th, 2022

  • Notification to authors: Oct. 10th, 2022

  • Workshop date: Oct. 24th, 2022

Submission Instructions:

  • Submission site:

  • We also invite papers @ECCV2022. If you already have a paper that will appear @ECCV2022 and you want to present it in our workshop, please submit your paper ID and the title of the paper to the CMT site.

Accepted Extended Abstract:

[Assembly101] Multiple Point of Views Fusion with Transformers. Dulois Alexandre, Luvison Bertrand [paper]

[Assembly101] TopN Refined LSTM With Feature Vectors. Or Berman, Shlomi Laufer [paper]

[EgoBody] MEEV: Body Mesh Estimation On Egocentric Video. Nicolas Monet, Dongyoon Wee [paper, poster, code, web demo]

[EgoBody] Exploring Effective Data Augmentations for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation from a Single Egocentric Image. Bowen Dang [paper, poster, code]

[EgoBody] Egocentric video adapted TCMR variants. Rui Wang [paper]

[H2O-hand pose] YOLOv7-3D: One-stage Monocular 3D Hand Pose Estimation. Weixin Luo, Shuqiang Cao, Bairui Wang, Wei Zhang, Xiaolin Wei, Lin Ma [paper, poster]

[H2O-hand pose] Transformer-based Global 3D Hand Pose Estimation in Two Hands Manipulating Objects Scenarios. Hoseong Cho, Dong Uk Kim, Chanwoo Kim, Seongyeong Lee, Seungryul Baek [paper, poster]

[H2O-action] Two-Stream Modeling for Egocentric Interaction Recognition. Weixin Luo, Shuqiang Cao, Bairui Wang, Wei Zhang, Xiaolin Wei, Lin Ma [paper, poster]

[H2O-action] Transformer-based Action recognition in hand-object interacting scenarios. Hoseong Cho, Seungryul Baek [paper, poster]

[H2O-hand pose, action] Hierarchical Temporal Transformer for 3D Hand Pose Estimation and Action Recognition from Egocentric RGB Videos. Yilin Wen, Hao Pan, Lei Yang, Jia Pan, Taku Komura, Wenping Wang [paper, poster]