Terms of Service

payments and refunds

  • Full payment will be handled via PayPal after commission is accepted

  • I will not start the the commission until the full payment is in.

  • If I am unable to fulfill the commission then a full refund is guaranteed

  • If you the client cancels the commission before I begin working on it then a 75% refund will be given.

  • If you the client cancel the commission after the sketch revision, then a 50% refund will be given.

  • No refund will be given if you the client cancels the commission when a significant amount has been completed after the first revision (If it is fully lined with base colours or more)

Turn Around Time

Headshot: 7 to 14 Days

Bust: 7 to 14 Days

Headshot Sketch: 5 to 7 Days

Bust Sketch: 5 to 7 Days

Chibi Bust: 5 to 7 Days

Chibi Full Body: 5 to 7 Days

The time's that I have provided are estimations and not concrete time's for when your commission may be completed. Time will vary depending on the complexity of the commissions along with my own personal schedule.

If you need the commission completed within a certain reasonable amount of days or quickly, then let me know and I'll see what time estimation I can do for you.

If I do not hear back from the client during the revision period within 14 days then I will continue towards completion of the commission. If no revisions are needed then please let me know.

I simply request that you keep watch of your email throughout the commissions time so that I am able to continue onwards with your commission.

Extra Information

  • My commissions are for personal use only and not for commercial use

  • Client will receive the full PNG of the drawing with no watermarks

  • Client is not to claim my art as their own

  • If the client wants to post my artwork online then please credit me

Thank you for taking an interest in my commissions

For any questions or inquires about commissions then email me at
