Work in progress

Elk, R. van, Jongen, E., Koot, P. and A. Zulkarnain, 2024, Intergenerational mobility of immigrants in the Netherlands, IZA Discussion Paper 17035, Bonn. [link]

Boer, H.-W. de, Jongen, E. and P. Koot, 2023, Too much of a good thing? Using tax incentives to stimulate dual-earner couples, IZA Discussion Paper 16702, Bonn.  (revise and resubmit at Journal of Population Economics)  [link] 

Hijzen, A., Jongen, E. and M. Montenegro, 2023, The effectiveness of job retention schemes during economic crises, prepared for: Cahuc, P. and S. Carcillo, eds., Handbook of Labour Markets in Transition,  Edward Elgar.

Goes, J., Jongen, E. and E. van Loon, 2019, Using temporary VAT cuts as fiscal stimuli - Evidence from the Netherlands, mimeo, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, The Hague.

Been, J. and E. Jongen, 2017, The effect of child care subsidy cuts on the time allocation and well-being of parents, mimeo, Leiden University, Leiden.

Jongen, E., 2017, Using tax credits to postpone retirement – A panel data analysis of a large Dutch reform, mimeo, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, The Hague.

Akgündüz, E., Jongen, E., Leseman, P. and J. Plantenga, 2015, Quasi-experimental evidence on the relation between child care subsidies and child care quality, CPB Discussion Paper 310, The Hague. [link]

Akgündüz, E., Jongen, E. and J. Plantenga, 2015, Child care quality and the labor supply of married women, mimeo, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, The Hague.

Alphen, M. van and E. Jongen, 2014, Can we spend ourselves rich? The Continuation Credit for older workers in the Netherlands, 2014, mimeo, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, The Hague.

Zoutman, F., Jacobs, B. and E. Jongen, 2014, Optimal redistributive taxes and redistributive preferences in the Netherlands, mimeo, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, The Hague.

Bosch, N. and E. Jongen, E., 2013, Intensive margin responses when workers are free to choose: evidence from a large Dutch reform, mimeo, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, The Hague.

Jongen, E. and S. Visser, 2010, Exploring the ambiguous impact of employment protection on employment and productivity, CPB Discussion paper 148, The Hague. [link]

Jongen, E., 2009, An analysis of individual accounts for the unemployment risk in the Netherlands, CPB Document 168, The Hague. [link]