Welcome to the East FAIRHAVEN Art STUDIO
Here you will find Art lessons, Art Philosophy, Games, and past Art shows!
To contact me: hlong-roise@fairhavenps.net
Art Room Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/heather.longroise.351/
padlet.com/hlongroise/zao8gfwrr3tu My Padlet is a collection of art videos.
clever.com/in/fairhavenps/teacher/collections/378616a8-dfa5-40df-93f8-494ed670c6fc You will need Your clever account to enjoy Extra Art Fun!!
In The Art Studio... B Day. We learned about different Art careers. We are also setting up our art Portfolios.
3rd Graders are working on their Wax Museum Portraits.
Art Enrichment: Looking at Jackson Pollack.
In The Art Studio... A Day. We learned about different Art careers.
3rd Graders are working on their Wax Museum Portraits.
Art Enrichment: Looking at Jackson Pollack.
In The Art Studio... D Day. We learned about Form. Students had to show how they used The Art Element of form in their art work.
3rd Graders are working on their Wax Museum Portraits.
Art Enrichment: Looking at Jackson Pollack.
In The Art Studio... B Day. We learned about Form. Students had to show how they used The Art Element of form in their art work.
3rd Graders are working on their Wax Museum Portraits.
Art Enrichment: Looking at Jackson Pollack.
In The Art Studio... A Day. We learned about Form. Students had to show how they used The Art Element of form in their art work.
3rd Graders are working on their Wax Museum Portraits.
Art Enrichment: Looking at Jackson Pollack.
In The Art Studio... D Day. All Artists have to complete a skill builder. Students had to show how they used The Art Element of Space in their art work.
In The Art Studio. ... C Day. All Artists have to complete a skill builder. Students had to show how they used The Art Element of Space in their art work.
Art Enrichment: Looking at Jackson Pollack.
In The Art Studio... B Day. All Artists have to complete a skill builder. Students had to show how they used The Art Element of Space in their art work.
Art Enrichment: Looking at Jackson Pollack.
In The Art Studio... A Day. All Artists have to complete a skill builder which will show how they used The Art Element of Space in their art work.
It takes so long to upload pictures on this site. Check out Heather long Roise Art room on Facebook for updated info.
In the art studio... D Day. Open studios but using The Art Element of texture in our art making!
In the art studio... B Day. Open studios but using The Art Element of texture in our art making!
In the art studio... A Day. Open studios but using The Art Element of texture in our art making!
In the art studio... D Day. Open studios but using The Art Element of value in our art making!
  In the art studio... C Day. Open studios but using The Art Element of value in our art making!
In the art studio... B Day. Open studios but using The Art Element of value in our art making!
Welcome to the school Year 2024-2025!
I will be posting new photos of students art on here.
Welcome to the 2023-2024!
In the Art Studio...D Day Making Trading cards, Posters and finishing our required artist Statements!
In the Art Studio...C Day Making Trading cards, Posters and finishing our required artist Statements!
In the Art Studio...D Day Open studios, Grades 3-5 are working on their art show and Personal Art Portfolio with Artist Statements. Requirements:
Grade 3 -1 art piece
Grade 4-2 art pieces
Grade 5- 3 Art Pieces
In the Art Studio...B Day Open studios, Grades 3-5 are working on their art show and Personal Art Portfolio with Artist Statements. Requirements:
Grade 3 -1 art piece
Grade 4-2 art pieces
Grade 5- 3 Art Pieces.
In the Art Studio...B Day Open studios, Grades 3-5 are working on their art show and Personal Art Portfolio with Artist Statements. Requirements:
Grade 3 -1 art piece
Grade 4-2 art pieces
Grade 5- 3 Art Pieces.
In the Art Studio...A Day Open studios, Grades 3-5 brought Chromebooks to work on their art show and Art Portfolio.
In the Art Studio...D Day Open studios, Grades 3-5 brought Chromebooks to work on their art show and Art Portfolio.
In the Art Studio...B Day Open studios, Grades 3-5 brought Chromebooks to work on their art show and Art Portfolio.
In the Art Studio...D Day Open studios, 3rd grade Greek art and 5th Grade Banners. Grades 3-5 brought Chromebooks to work on their art show and Art Portfolio.
In the Art Studio...B Day Open studios, 3rd grade Greek art and 5th Grade Banners.
In the Art Studio...B Day Open studios, 3rd grade Greek art and 5th Grade Banners.
In the Art Studio...A Day Open studios, 3rd grade Greek art and 5th Grade Banners.
In the Art Studio...D Day K- Painted symmetrical Butterflies, 1- Collage making birds, 3- Greek art, 4th grade had Open studios and 5th Grade worked on their 5th grade self-portrait.
In the Art Studio...C Day K- Painted symmetrical Butterflies, 1- Collage making birds, 3- Greek art, 4th grade had Open studios and 5th Grade worked on their 5th grade self-portrait.
In the Art Studio...B Day K- Painted symmetrical Butterflies, 1- Collage making birds, 3- Greek art, 4th grade had Open studios and 5th Grade worked on their 5th grade self-portrait.
In the Art Studio...A Day K- Painted symmetrical Butterflies, 1- Collage making birds, 3- Greek art, 4th grade had Open studios and 5th Grade worked on their 5th grade self-portrait.
In the Art Studio...D Day K- Painted symmetrical Butterflies, 1- Printed trees, 3- 4th grade had Open studios and 5th Grade worked on their 5th grade self-portrait.
In the Art Studio...C Day K- Painted symmetrical Butterflies, 1- Printed trees, 3- 4th grade had Open studios and 5th Grade worked on their 5th grade self-portrait.
In the Art Studio...B Day K- Painted symmetrical Butterflies, 1- Printed trees, 3- 4th grade had Open studios and 5th Grade worked on their 5th grade self-portrait
In the Art Studio...A Day K- Painted symmetrical Butterflies, 1- Printed trees, 3- 4th grade had Open studios and 5th Grade worked on their 5th grade self-portraits.
In the Art Studio...D Day K-4th grade had Open studios and 5th Grade worked on their 5th grade self-portraits.
In the Art Studio...C Day K-4th grade had Open studios and 5th Grade worked on their 5th grade self-portraits.
In the Art Studio...B Day K-4th grade had Open studios and 5th Grade worked on their 5th grade self-portraits.
In the Art Studio...A Day K-4th grade had Open studios
In the art studio...Drop Everything And Draw!! D Day.
It is hard to really Observe. Great Job.
Happy Vacation!
In the art studio...Drop Everything And Draw!! C Day.
It is hard to really Observe. Great Job.
In the art studio...Drop Everything And Draw!! B day.
It is back thanks to the visiting Fairhaven HS football visitors this year, who had all remembered doing this activity when they were students here. If it had made such a memory then it deserves to be brought back.
In the art studio...Drop Everything And Draw!! A day.
It is back thanks to the visiting Fairhaven HS football visitors this year, who had all remembered doing this activity when they were students here. If it had made such a memory then it deserves to be brought back.Â
In the Art Studio...D Day K-4th grade had Open studios, focusing on the Art Element of Form.
In the Art Studio...C Day K-4th grade had Open studios, focusing on the Art Element of Form.
In the Art Studio...B Day K-4th grade had a skill builder, their Choice on a drawing showing me the Art Element of Space.
In the Art Studio...A Day K-4th grade had a skill builder, their Choice on a drawing showing me the Art Element of Form.
In the Art Studio...D Day K-4th grade had Open Studios, focusing on the Art Element of Space.
In the Art Studio...C Day K-4th grade had a skill builder, their Choice on a drawing showing me the Art Element of Space.
4LI- Enrichment learned about Takashi Murakami.
In the Art Studio...A Day K-4th grade had a skill builder, their Choice on a drawing showing me the Art Element of Space.
2J- Enrichment learned about Takashi Murakami.
In the Art Studio...D Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day.
Learning all about different Careers in the arts -getting ready for Career day this Thursday!
1P- learned about George Braque and the cubism Movement.
In the Art Studio...C Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day.
Learning all about different Careers in the arts -getting ready for Career day this Thursday!
kF- learned about George Braque and the cubism Movement.
In the Art Studio...B Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day.
Learning all about different Careers in the arts -getting ready for Career day next week.!
No Enrichment today Due to Buddy Time.
In the Art Studio...D Day K -Â 4th grades had an Open Studios day. 5th grade had their innovation arcade game time...Awesome job!
Learning all about the Art Element of Texture!
3T- learned about George Braque and the cubism Movement.
In the Art Studio...A Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day.
Learning all about different Careers in the arts -getting ready for Career day next week.!
4C- learned about George Braque and the cubism Movement.
In the Art Studio...C Day K -Â 4th grades had an Open Studios day. 5th grade had their innovation arcade game time...Awesome job!
Learning all about the Art Element of Texture!
2PAV- learned about George Braque and the cubism Movement.
In the Art Studio...B Day K -Â 4th grades had an Open Studios day. 5th grade had their innovation arcade game time...Awesome job!
Learning all about the Art Element of Texture!
1TU- learned about George Braque and the cubism Movement.
In the Art Studio...A Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day.
Learning all about the Art Element of Texture!
KM- learned about George Braque and the cubism Movement.
In the Art Studio...D Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day.
Learning all about the Art Element of Value!
5M- learned about George Braque and the cubism Movement.
In the Art Studio...C Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day.
Learning all about the Art Element of Value!
4LO- learned about George Braque and the cubism Movement.
In the Art Studio...B Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day.
Learning all about the Art Element of Value!
3H- learned about George Braque and the cubism Movement.
In the Art Studio...A Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day. Grades 3-5 Artists were also encouraged to start work on their W.O.W. project for their 2nd term grade, along with their Artists statement (It is due March 11)
Learning all about the Art Element of Value!
In the Art Studio...C Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day. Grades 3-5 Artists were also encouraged to start work on their W.O.W. project for their 2nd term grade, along with their Artists statement (It is due March 11)
Learning all about the Art Element of Shape!
In the Art Studio...D Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day. Grades 3-5 Artists were also encouraged to start work on their W.O.W. project for their 2nd term grade, along with their Artists statement (It is due March 11)
Learning all about the Art Element of Shape!
1 TA-Â about George Braque and Cubism Art.
In the Art Studio...A Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day. Grades 3-5 Artists were also encouraged to start work on their W.O.W. project for their 2nd term grade, along with their Artists statement (It is due March 11)
Learning all about the Art Element of Shape!
4Li- Learned about George Braque and Cubism Art.
In the Art Studio...A Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day. Grades 3-5 Artists were also encouraged to start work on their W.O.W. project for their 2nd term grade, along with their Artists statement (It is due March 11)
Learning all about the Art Element of Shape!
4LI- Learned about George Braque and Cubism Art.
In the Art Studio...C Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day. Grades 3-5 Artists were also encouraged to start work on their W.O.W. project for their 2nd term grade, along with their Artists statement (It is due March 11)
Learning all about the Art Element of Line!
2J- Learned about George Braque and Cubism Art.
In the Art Studio...C Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day. Grades 3-5 Artists were also encouraged to start work on their W.O.W. project for their 2nd term grade, along with their Artists statement (It is due March 11)
Learning all about the Art Element of Line!
2J- Learned about George Braque and Cubism Art.
In the Art Studio...B Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day. Grades 3-5 Had a Gallery walk and were also encouraged to start work on their W.O.W. project for their 2nd term grade with their Artists statement.
Learning all about the Art Element of Line!
1P- Learned about Brianna McCarthy.
In the Art Studio...A Day K -Â 5th grades had an Open Studios day. Grades 3-5 Had a Gallery walk and were also encouraged to start work on their W.O.W. project for their 2nd term grade with their Artists statement.
Learning all about the Art Element of Line!
KF- Learned about Brianna McCarthy.
In the Art Studio...D Day K -Â 5th grades painted their clay.
Learning all about the Art Element of Color!
5P- Learned about Brianna McCarthy.
In the Art Studio...C Day K -Â 5th grades painted their clay.
Learning all about the Art Element of Color!
4C- Learned about Brianna McCarthy.
Happy Vacation!
In the Art Studio...BÂ Day K -Â 5th grades painted their clay.
Learning all about the Art Element of Color!
3 T- Learned about Brianna McCarthy.
In the Art Studio...AÂ Day K -Â 5th grades painted their clay.
Learning all about the Art Element of Color!
2PAV- Learned about Brianna McCarthy.
In the Art Studio...CÂ Day K, 1, 2, 4, & 5th grades had open studios.
3rd grade had a Clay studio skill builder.
KM- Learned about Brianna McCarthy.
In the Art Studio...BÂ Day K, 1, 2, 4, & 5th grades had open studios.
3rd grade had a Clay studio skill builder.
5MA- Learned about Brianna McCarthy.
In the Art Studio...AÂ Day K, 1, 2, 4, & 5th grades had open studios.
3rd grade had a Clay studio skill builder.
4LO- Learned about Brianna McCarthy.
In the Art Studio...DÂ Day K-5 Clay skill builder!
3rd grade is still working on Wax people portraits.
3H- Learned about Brianna McCarthy.
In the Art Studio...CÂ Day K-5 Clay skill builder!
3rd grade is still working on Wax people portraits.
2PAN- Learned about Brianna McCarthy.
In the Art Studio...BÂ Day K-5 Clay skill builder!
3rd grade is still working on Wax people portraits.
1TA- Learned about Brianna McCarthy.
In the Art Studio...AÂ Day K-5 Clay skill builder!
3rd grade is still working on Wax people portraits.
KR- Learned about Brianna McCarthy.
In the Art Studio...C Day k-5 Had Studios with a observing the studio Habit of Understanding the Art World (Connect) 3rd Grade doing Wax People Grid portraits.
Enrichment we learned about the Artist Brianna McCarthy!
In the Art Studio...B Day k-5 Had open Studios with a observing the studio Habit of Understanding the Art World (Connect)
Enrichment we learned about the Artist Brianna McCarthy!
In the art Studio...k-5 Had open Studios with a observing the studio Habit of Understanding the Art World (Connect)
Enrichment we learned about the Artist Brianna McCarthy!
In the art studio...D day.
Open Studios for k,1,2,4 & 5th Grades.
3rd Graders have started their Grid Portraits for their Wax Museum Project.
In the art studio...C day.
Open Studios for k,1,2,4 & 5th Grades.
3rd Graders have started their Grid Portraits for their Wax Museum Project.
In the art studio...B day.
Open Studios for k,1,2,4 & 5th Grades.
3rd Graders have started their Grid Portraits for their Wax Museum Project.
In the art studio...A day.
Open Studios for k,1,2,4 & 5th Grades.
3rd Graders have started their Grid Portraits for their Wax Museum Project.
In the art studio...D day.
Kinders was introduced to the painting studio.
1-5 Had a Printmaking skill builder while being introduced to all different printmaking mediums.
In the art studio...C day.
Kinders was introduced to the painting studio.
1-5 Had a Printmaking skill builder while being introduced to all different printmaking mediums.
In the art studio...B day.
Kinders was introduced to the painting studio.
1-5 Had a Printmaking skill builder while being introduced to all different printmaking mediums.
In the art studio...A day.
Kinders was introduced to the painting studio.
1-5 Had a Printmaking skill builder while being introduced to all different printmaking mediums.Â
In the art studio... D Day
Grades K-5 Open studios.
- Artist can reflect.
Grades 3-5 Brought their Chrome books to upload their own personal Art Gallery.
In the art studio... C Day
Grades K-5 Open studios.
- Artist can reflect.
Grades 3-5 Brought their Chrome books to upload their own personal Art Gallery.
In the art studio... B Day
Grades K-5 Open studios.
- Artist can reflect.
Grades 3-5 Brought their Chrome books to upload their own personal Art Gallery.
In the art studio... A Day
Grades K-5 Open studios.
- Artist can reflect.
Grades 3-5 Brought their Chrome books to upload their own personal Art Gallery.
In the art studio... D Day
Grades K-5 Open studios.
In the art studio... C Day
Grades K-5 Open studios.
In the art studio... A Day
Grades K-5 Open studios.
In the art studio... B Day
Grades K-5 Open studios.
In the art studio... C Day
Grades K-5 created hand made Holidays Cards.
Thank you for all that donated their used Holiday cards!
In the art studio... B Day
Grades K-5 created hand made Holidays Cards.
Thank you for all that donated their used Holiday cards!
In the art studio... A Day
Grades K-5 created hand made Holidays Cards.
Thank you for all that donated their used Holiday cards!
In the art studio... D Day
Grades K-5 created hand made Holidays Cards.
Thank you for all that donated their used Holiday cards!
In the art studio... C Day
Grades 1-5 open studios highlighting The studio Habits of Stretch and Explore and Engage and Persist. Artists were Encouraged to try something new in the art studio and to try to solve any art problems.
Kindergarten opened up the drawing studio!
In the art studio... B Day
Grades 1-5 open studios highlighting The studio Habits of Stretch and Explore and Engage and Persist. Artists were Encouraged to try something new in the art studio and to try to solve problems.
Kindergarten opened up the drawing studio!Â
In the art studio... D Day
Grades 1-5 attachment skill builder- How many ways can you attach cardboard without using tape?
Kindergarten created Texture Trains.
In the art studio... C Day
Grades 1-5 attachment skill builder- How many ways can you attach cardboard without using tape?
Kindergarten created Texture Trains.
In the art studio... B Day
Grades 1-5 attachment skill builder- How many ways can you attach cardboard without using tape?
Kindergarten created Texture Trains.
In the art studio... A Day
Grades 1-5 attachment skill builder- How many ways can you attach cardboard without using tape?
Kindergarten created Texture Trains
In the art studio... D Day..Concert day is always hard to do projects so Build something with a Holiday Theme. Wikki sticks, Fiddle sticks, Legos, Blocks, Mr. Potato Head and a drawing Game on whiteboards with me! Fun!
The Last Open studios students could create art for the concert. If you missed it on the walls, I took Pictures. Enjoy
In the art studio... D Day..
1-5 had open studios - Drawing, Collage, Building, Fiber, Painting and Computers.
Kindergarteners made painted paper to create a collage train!
In the art studio... C Day..
1-5 had open studios - Drawing, Collage, Building, Fiber, Painting and Computers.
Kindergarteners made painted paper to create a collage train!
In the art studio... B Day..
1-5 had open studios - Drawing, Collage, Building, Fiber, Painting and Computers.
Kinders made painted paper to create a collage train!
In the art studio... D Day.
K's learned about Mosaics by creating mosaic turkeys.
1-5 had open studios - Fiber studio is now open.
2-5 Grades All Artist statements and W.O.W projects are due this week.
In the art studio... C Day.
K's learned about Mosaics by creating mosaic turkeys.
1-5 had open studios - Fiber studio is now open.
2-5 Grades All Artist statements and W.O.W projects are due this week.
In the art studio...
K's learned about Mosaics by creating mosaic turkeys.
1-5 had open studios - Fiber studio is now open.
2-5 Grades All Artist statements and W.O.W projects are due this week.
The kids did a great job Honoring our Veterans- with our Hero tree, ornaments, posters and wonderful singing!
Thank you Veterans!
Thank you Mrs. Pickup & Carefree Homes for all our stickers, ribbons to make our ornaments.
In the art studio...
D Day
1-5 Had open studios. Learning about Scratch art.
Grades 2-5 are working to finish their W.O.W. Project due Nov. 29.
In the art studio...
C Day
1-5 Had open studios. Learning about Scratch art.
Grades 2-5 are working to finish their W.O.W. Project due Nov. 29.
In the art studio...
B Day
1-5 Had open studios. Learning about Scratch art.
Grades 2-5 are working to finish their W.O.W. Project due Nov. 29.
Hello from the art studio...
D day
K-5 Created Ornaments to hang on Our Hero Tree, which will be hung in our School to honor all Veterans!
Hope to see our local Veterans this Thursday.
Thank you for your service!
Hello from the art studio...
C day
K-5 Created Ornaments to hang on Our Hero Tree, which will be hung in our School to honor all Veterans!
Hello from the art studio...
A day
K-5 Created Ornaments to hang on Our Hero Tree, which will be hung in our School to honor all Veterans!
Hello from the art studio...
D day
1-5 Had Drawing, Painting, Building & Collage studios open.
K's Last art class K's created Orange color to paint their pumpkins using only Primary colors Red & Yellow. Today they assembled them.
Hello from the art studio...
C day
1-5 Had Drawing, Painting, Building & Collage studios open.
K's Last art class K's created Orange color to paint their pumpkins using only Primary colors Red & Yellow. Today they assembled them.
Hello from the art studio...
B day
1-5 Had Drawing, Painting, Building & Collage studios open.
K's Last art class K's created Orange color to paint their pumpkins using only Primary colors Red & Yellow. Today they assembled them.
Hello from the art studio... A day 1-5 Had Drawing, Painting, Building & Collage studios open. K's created Orange color to paint their pumpkins using only Primary colors Red & Yellow.
Artists exploring the Drawing, Collage, Painting, and Building studios.

Contact me
Color wheel challenge accepted for this D day artists!