Building Pyramids
A model of of knowledge representation
The pyramid model helps us think concretely about the process of learning.
if you wish to learn where it comes from and how it works, check out this page first. Briefly:
Every triangular brick is a 'piece of knowledge' and we make sense by organizing the blocks in a specific way: new pieces should be accurately placed on top of an existing layer. Every newly formed pyramid, can by itself be a block in a higher-level pyramid.
This model helps us think concretely on why and how prior knowledge matters, how meaningful knowledge is constructed and practiced, and how it evolves over repeated episodes of learning, practice and application.
To learn a new piece of information (orange triangles) effectively, it should be learned on the basis of existing prior knowledge (gray triangles). Without prior knowledge (top panel), the new information cannot be integrated meaningfully (create a structure), and will most likely not survive over time.
Higher order learning abilities like critical thinking, and creativity are depended on the existence of broad and well-established domain-specific knowledge, in one or more areas. Without this base, new high-level information cannot be structured appropriately, and hence will not be useful and will not be retained (top panel). The wider and more varied the basis of prior knowledge is, the higher, more complex and more creative structures it can support (bottom panel).
Willingham, D. T. (2007). Critical thinking. American Educator, 31(3), 8-19
When the same routine of information is rehearsed during a session, a fast and impressive improvement may be evident . The gain, however, may not last long, when it is largely dependent on the specific context (of time, place, content, method, specific sequence etc.). When context fades as time goes by, the same level of performance cannot be maintained (top panel). However, when the study or practice in done in effective ways that emphasize crating meaningful connections to prior knowledge (elaboration), and between the newly learned items, we are building a stable structure of knowledge that may survive the passage of time and the absence of the learning context (bottom panel).
Prof. Robert Bjork on the distinction between Learning and Performance.
Bjork, E. L., & Bjork, R. A. (2011). Making things hard on yourself, but in a good way
Often we want learning or practice to be fun for ourselves of for our students, in order to build a positive experience. But if we wish to build knowledge through this experience, we must make sure that something is actually being built. Effective learning should include explicit elements of connecting the new knowledge to prior knowledge in meaningful ways (bottom panel), rather than just playing around with the new concept (top panel). Effective learning maybe more effortful (in a good way) than fun, but the long term results are usually rewarding.
Some things can be learned independently: when the relevant prior knowledge is available and when the learner is able to make the required connections between the new information and the existing knowledge (top panel). But for learning some other things guidance is essential: to supply information, or to to select the relevant information. Often guidance is needed to establish the nature of the relationships between the new and the existing information: a concrete example or a clear explanation that would make the pieces "fall" into the right place. With the appropriate guidance (bottom panel) more can be learned.