Research Resources

Websites of researchers in cognitive and neural science with links to their publications:

Henry L. Roediger, III, Psychology & Brain Sciences, Washington University, MO, USA

Mark McDaniel, Psychology & Brain Sciences, Washington University, MO, USA

Robert Bjork, Psychology, UCLA, CA, USA

Jeffery Karpicke, Cognitive Psychology, Purdue University, IN, USA

Nate Kornell, Psychology, Williams College , MA, USA

Shana K. Carpenter , Psychology, Iowa state University, IA, USA

Steven C Pan , Psychology, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Andrew C Butler , Psychological & Brain Sciences and Education, Washington University in St. Louis, MO, USA

Sean Kang, Cognition & Education, Dartmouth college, NH, USA

Doug Rohrer, Psychology, University of South Florida, FL, USA

Melody Wiseheart, Psychology, York University, ON, Canada

Ken Paller, Cognitive Neuroscience (Sleep), Northwestern University, IL, USA

Hal Pashler, Psychology, University of California, San Diego , CA, USA

Alison R. Preston, Psychology & Neuroscience, The University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA

Meg Schlichting , Psychology, University of Tornto, ON, Canada

Charan Ranganath, Dynamic Memory Lab, Neuroscince, UC Davis, CA, USA

George Lakoff, Cognitive Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley, USA The neuroscience of language and thought (2018,, The Neural Theory of Metaphor (2009)