Functional equations and their interactions

Special session in the AMS-EMS-SMF joint conference in Grenoble, France
18-22 July 2022
The event is partially funded by the GDR EFI

Schedule of the special session

Monday 18th afternoon

  • 1.30. Marni Mishna (Vancouver) . Combinatorial sources of differential transcendency

  • 2.30 Moisés Herradon Cueto (Madrid). The local type of algebraic difference equations.

  • 3.30 Break and discussion

  • 4.00 Manuel Kauers (Linz). Guessing with little data

  • 5.00 Gleb Pogudin (Paris). Anti elimination for differential-algebraic equations.

Tuesday 19th afternoon

  • 1.30 Ehud de Shalit (Jerusalem). Difference equations over elliptic function fields.

  • 2.30 Marina Poulet (Grenoble). An algorithm to recognize regular singularities of Mahler systems

  • 3.30 Break and discussion

  • 4.00 Sandro Franceschi (Paris). Algebraic nature of the stationary distribution of a reflected brownian motion in a cone, and tutte's invariants.

  • 5.00 Omar Leon Sanchez (Manchester). A Poisson basis theorem for symmetric algebras.

Wednesday 20th morning

  • 9.00. Nathalie Verdière (Le Havre). Parameter analysis in dynamical systems from functional equations provided by differiential algebra.

  • 10.00 Break and discussion

  • 10.30 Seda Albayrak (Waterloo). Multivariate Generalization of Christol's Theorem.

  • 11.30 Bernard le Stum (Rennes). q-difference equations and prisms