Press coverage

About "Quantum and classical bounds for unknown two-state overlaps". ArXiv:1902.11039 [quant-ph].

About the "Witnessing genuine multiphoton indistinguishability" PRL paper (2019).

Sobre o estado atual da pesquisa em computação quântica (2018)

About our scattershot boson sampling experiment (April 2015)

About validation of photonic boson sampling (July 2014)

About the paper on bosonic bunching laws (September 2013)

About the boson sampling experiments: (December 2012)

In December 2012 I and collaborators finished a paper reporting a boson sampling experiment. Check out our preprint (Milan, Niterói, Rome), and three other papers reporting boson sampling experiments: Broome et al. (Brisbane, MIT), Tillman et al. (Vienna, Jena), and Walmsley et al. (Oxford).

Our paper, published in Nature Photonics.

News and Views in Nature Photonics, article by Tim Ralph on our paper and Tillman et al's.

Atalho para a computação quântica. Revista Pesquisa Fapesp, julho de 2013 (Portuguese).

Cálculos feitos com a ajuda da luz. Correio Braziliense, 13/9/2013.

Science Magazine.

Nature News.

Physics World News.

Physics Today.

New Scientist.

IEEE Spectrum.

Scott Aaronson‘s blog Shtetl-Optimized.

Interviews, profiles etc

Questões da Ciência - blog de Bernardo Esteves, Revista Piauí.

O futuro da computação está no microcosmo”. Extra, 7/2/2011.

Perimeter Institute: an experiment in research utopia. Science Careers, 15/11/2002.

Proteção à privacidade é atrativo. Folha de São Paulo, 28/6/2000.