Effective Altruism UQ

Welcome, we are the University of Queensland's Effective Altruism Club (EAUQ)

New to Effective Altruism? Try this video to the left where one of EA's founders, Will MacAskill, talks about some key concepts

Effective Altruism (EA) is about using evidence and reason to find out how to benefit others as much as possible and taking action on that basis. EA is also a community of people interested in solving this shared project of how do we do the most good. There are over 200 local EA groups around the world and we are one of them!

EAUQ is run by a group of students at the University of Queensland,
you can find out more
about us here.

Whether you're new to EA or extremely familiar we'd love to meet you. If you live near Brisbane then like our Facebook page and come along to one of our events. If you're not nearby but still want to join in on the EAUQ community we occasionally run online events. This is often done because we have a speaker from afar, you can view examples of this and all our events here.

Regardless of your distance if you want to talk to some EA's then join our
Facebook group and don't hesitate to reach out and talk to one of our executive, you can find their information here.

We are based in Brisbane at the University of Queensland and the majority of our events are held on campus or virtually.

However, anybody is welcome to attend and we welcome members of the general public to come enjoy our events and meet us.