Eeshani Kandpal

I am a Senior Fellow at the Center for Global Development (on leave from the World Bank where I am a Senior Economist in the Development Research Group).

My research examines two types of financial incentives: (1) cash transfers to poor households and (2) pay-for-performance contracts with health workers and facilities to improve the provision of primary health care. I am interested in design elements like the targeting mechanisms of cash transfers and optimal pricing regimes for health service delivery as well as spillovers from incomplete contracts or targeting methods.

I am an associate editor for the American Journal of Agricultural Economics and a lead author of the World Bank Policy Research Report, Improving Effective Coverage in Health: Do Financial Incentives Work?

Contact Information

Senior Fellow

Center for Global Development

2055 L Street NW

Washington, DC 20433

Email: ekandpal (at) cgdev(dot) org

Twitter: eeshani_kandpal