UCLA Student Chapter

EERI-SEAOSC at UCLA is a group of motivated scholars and researchers with a vision to reduce earthquake risk in California and beyond.

EERI-SEAOSC at UCLA is a student chapter of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, a professional organization dedicated to the advancement of earthquake engineering research and education for the purpose of reducing seismic hazards worldwide. Since 1999, our chapter has built a strong presence within the Civil & Environmental Engineering department at UCLA and the greater Los Angeles community. In 2019, our chapter partnered with the Structural Engineers Association of Southern California, the largest professional association for structural & earthquake engineers in Southern California.

Upcoming Events

6th Annual Career Fair | Thursday, February 13th, 2025
2-5PM | Engineering VI Cohen Multipurpose Room 

Winter'25 General Meeting | January 14th, 2025

Join us for our Winter General Meeting, please see flyer below for futher details.


Achieving our vision

Reducing earthquake risk through research in collaboration with UCLA faculty

Bridging the gap between earthquake engineering research and professional practice

Inspiring the next generation of leadership in our field and motivating our members to create lasting impact

Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)

The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute is the leading non-profit membership organization that connects those dedicated to reducing earthquake risk. Our multidisciplinary members include engineers, geoscientists, social scientists, architects, planners, emergency managers, academics, students, and other like-minded professionals. EERI has been bringing people and disciplines together since 1948.

Mission Statement
The objective of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute is to reduce earthquake risk by (1) advancing the science and practice of earthquake engineering, (2) improving understanding of the impact of earthquakes on the physical, social, economic, political, and cultural environment, and (3) advocating comprehensive and realistic measures for reducing the harmful effects of earthquakes.

Vision and Role
EERI’s Vision: A world in which potential earthquake losses are widely understood and for which prudent steps have been taken to address those risks.

EERI’s Role: EERI is a leader in earthquake investigations and in the dissemination of earthquake risk reduction information both in the US and globally in cooperation with its international partners.

Structural Engineers Association of Southern California (SEAOSC)

The Structural Engineers Association of Southern California (SEAOSC) is one of the oldest structural engineering associations in the world, and is one of four regional structural engineering associations of the Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC). SEAOSC members are civil, structural, and geotechnical engineers who regularly engaged in the practice of structural engineering. SEAOSC also draws membership from related fields involved in design and construction, including academe (professors and students), contractors, architects, and representatives from industry and government. 


The Structural Engineers Association of Southern California (SEAOSC) is the premier organization to which local Structural Engineers belong. The organization serves its members and the Profession of Structural Engineering by fostering and promoting the contributions of structural engineers to society.


The Structural Engineers Association of Southern California will empower its members and advance

the Structural Engineering Profession in service to our community.

The Association fulfills this mission through: