
Homework 0:  Getting Started with Python   [due  date:  Sept 21st @ 6pm ET]

This first assignment will help to familiarize you with the Python programming language and Google Colab notebooks. For this assignment you will primarily be running code examples, but you will also write a little bit of Python code yourself.   

The Colab Notebook for HW0 is available here.     

You should make a copy of this Notebook and save it to your own Google Drive  (File > Save a copy in Drive ) in order to run and edit the Notebook.  The data sets for this assignment can be found here

Please see Canvas for detailed submission instructions.

Homework 1:  Unsupervised Learning  [due date: Oct 5th @ 6pm ET]

Homework 1 covers methods for Unsupervised Learning. This assignment is split into two Colab Notebooks.  Part A will cover methods for cluster analysis, while Part B will focus on linear dimensionality reduction methods.

Please see Canvas for submission instructions.

Homework 2:  Supervised Learning I   [due date:  October 24th @ 6pm ET]

Homework 2 covers baseline models for Supervised Learning. In the first activity, you will train linear regression, ridge regression and LASSO regression models to predict wind and solar energy production based on weather variables. In the second activity, you will use K-Nearest Neighbors to classify birds based on their bone measurements. In both activities, you will use cross-validation to select model parameters.

The Colab Notebook for HW2 is available here.   See Canvas for submission instructions.

Homework 3:  Supervised Learning II   [due date:  November 9th @ 6pm ET]

Homework 3 covers classification and regression methods including SVMs, neural networks, decisions trees and random forests. Activity 1 will compare multiple classifiers on the same data set. Activity 2 will focus on tree-based methods. Activity 3 (separate notebook) will be an open-ended landcover classification challenge administered via the Kaggle data science competition website.

See Canvas for submission instructions.

Homework 4:  Ethics, Sustainability & Computation  [due date: TBD]

Homework 4 requires students to answer discussion questions on a selected set of readings prior to in-class group discussions the week of [date TBD].