Environmental Economics:

A Focus on Natural Resources

International Conference

7-8 April 2022

University of Orléans, France

Organizing and Supporting Institutions

The Conference is jointly organized by:

  • LEO (Laboratoire d’Economie d’Orléans) – University of Orléans

  • LABEX Voltaire

with the support of :

  • INFER (International Network For Economic Research)

LEO (Laboratoire d’Economie d’Orléans - Orleans Research Center in Economics) is a research center supported by University of Orléans (France). It welcomes about 40 permanent researchers (full professors and associate professors) and 60 PhD students. LEO is specialized in three research areas: (1) Macroeconomics and Finance, (2) International Economics and Sustainable Development and (3) Econometrics.

Website: www.leo-univ-orleans.fr

Labex VOLTAIRE is a pluridisciplinary long term research program (Investissements d’Avenir) that aims at fostering research focused on the relations between Resources, Earth and Atmosphere. VOLTAIRE (standing for VOLatils – Terre, Atmosphère et Interactions - Ressources et Environnement) gathers several research units: all the Geosciences Research Centers of the Orléans University campus, the LEO research center, the BRGM and INRA Orléans sites. It uniquely combines the various skills and sensitivities in order to build a scientific community in the fields of resources (energy and minerals) and environment (hydrosystems, soils, air masses). The LEO is responsible for the analysis of Economic and Social aspects related to Geosciences, within the Labex VOLTAIRE.

Website: http://labex-voltaire.prod.lamp.cnrs.fr/home-page/

INFER is a non-profit international scientific organization that stimulates research and research networking in all fields of economics through international workshops and conferences.

Website: www.infer-research.eu