
Kevin Fan - 3rd year EECS major. Primary focus in this project was implementing pathfinding and the code representation of the game.

McKane Andrus is a 4th year Interdisciplinary Studies and CS double major. Worked on most aspects of the project, including but not limited to the construction of the virtual grid, movement precision, communication between nodes, simulating the patrols' sensation of the map, the actual sensation of the player by the patrols, adaptive pathing, and managing the state of the game (for collective shut-off purposes)

Vincent Politzer - 4th year EECS major. Worked on constructing the physical grid, calibrating the global camera, controlling the zumys to move on the grid, and general debugging the group’s combined code. His focus is on embedded systems/cyber-physical systems, and is pursuing a career in embedded systems engineering.

Jie Ma - Graduate student. Worked on map initialization and pathfinding.