workshop 2021

Dec 17, 2021 online

13:00 - 16:00 (Helsinki/ EET, UTC/GMT+2)

Agenda at a glance & Connecting

FIREMAN, ee-IoT and STREAM Joint Workshop

13:00 Welcome

Pedro Nardelli, LUT

13:05 Outcomes of ee-IoT

Summary of ee-IoT framework and outcomes

Hirley Alves, University of Oulu

13:25 Keynote

Towards Massive and Safe RF Wireless Power Transfer

Onel L Alcaraz López, University of Oulu

14:05 Short break ~ 5 min

14:10 Invited Presentation

Cybersecurity in Power Electronics – Hypothesis and Modeling Principles

Subham Sahoo, AAU

14:40 Coffee break ~ 10 min

14:50 Invited Presentation

Initial developments of LoRaWAN-based control of UAVs' swarm incl. video presentation

Jesse Tolvanen, LUT

15:20 Keynote

Demon in the Data Centre: Information and Energy Relations

Harun Šiljak, Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin

16:00 Final words

How to connect

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Towards Massive and Safe RF Wireless Power Transfer

Onel L. Alcaraz López, Assistant Professor

6G Flagship, University of Oulu, Finland

Onel L. A. López (S'17-M'20) was born in Sancti-Spíritus, Cuba, in 1989. He received the B.Sc. (1st class honors, 2013), M.Sc. (2017) and D.Sc. (with distinction, 2020) degree in Electrical Engineering from the Central University of Las Villas (Cuba), the Federal University of Paraná (Brazil) and the University of Oulu (Finland), respectively. From 2013-2015 he served as a specialist in telematics at the Cuban telecommunications company (ETECSA). He is a collaborator to the 2016 Research Award given by the Cuban Academy of Sciences, a co-recipient of the 2019 IEEE European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) Best Student Paper Award, and the recipient of the 2020 best doctoral thesis award granted by Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK and Tekniska Föreningen i Finland TFiF in 2021. He is co-author of the book entitled “Wireless RF Energy Transfer in the massive IoT era: towards sustainable zero-energy networks”, Wiley, Dec 2021. He currently holds an Assistant Professorship (tenure track) in sustainable wireless communications engineering in the Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC), Oulu, Finland. His research interests include sustainable IoT, energy harvesting, wireless RF energy transfer, wireless connectivity, machine-type communications, and cellular-enabled positioning systems.

Demon in the Data Centre: Information and Energy Relations

Dr Harun Šiljak, Assistant Professor,

School of Engineering Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin, Ireland

Harun Šiljak is an assistant professor in embedded systems, optimisation, and control in the School of Engineering, Trinity College Dublin. His research interests lie at the intersection of complex systems science, unconventional computing and communication, control theory, and cyber-physical systems. He serves as an associate editor for EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, and the science communication officer for Western Balkans Chapter of the Marie Curie Alumni Association and COST Action CA18232, MAT-DYN-NET. He writes fiction and non-fiction, and enjoys all kinds of art adjacent activities.

INvited talks

Cybersecurity in Power Electronics – Hypothesis and Modeling Principles

Subham Sahoo

Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark

Subham Sahoo (S’16-M’18) received the B.Tech. & Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from VSSUT, Burla, India and Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, New Delhi, India in 2014 & 2018, respectively. Prior to completion of his PhD, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in National University of Singapore during 2018-19 and in Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark during 2019-2020. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Energy, AAU, Denmark.

He is a recipient of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) Innovative Students Project Award for his PhD thesis across all the institutes in India for the year 2019. He was also a distinguished reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid in the year 2020.

His research interests are control, optimization, and stability of power electronic dominated grids, physics-informed machine learning tools for power electronic systems.

Initial developments of LoRaWAN-based control of UAVs' swarm incl. video presentation

Jesse Tolvanen

LUT, Finland

Jesse Tolvanen is Junior Researcher at Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology. The topic of his Ph.D research is about wireless communications in drone swarms. His work in STREAM project is aiming for implementing LoRa-based end-to-end communications in real swarm of drones.

Thanks for your visit!

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