GT Endorsement Courses & Credits

ED CIFS 520 - (3 credits) Foundations of Gifted and Talented - Laurie Wolfe Instructor :An overview of gifted/talented education. Topics may include identification, assessments, talent areas, curriculum adaptations, social needs, critical and creative thinking, legal aspects, and resources

ED CIFS 521- (3 credits) Creativity & Critical Thinking: Definition, identification, and facilitation of creativity and critical thinking skills. Topics may include overview, cognitive development, related brain research, assessment instruments, creative people, processes, and conditions for fostering creativity and models of critical thinking including creative problem solving. Demonstration of competency in identifying, fostering, assessing, demonstrating, and describing programs that foster creativity and critical thinking are required.

ED CIFS 522- (3 credits) Social & Emotional Needs: Identification and basic intervention for basic affective needs of gifted and talented learners. Topics covered may include: emotional aspects of giftedness, suicide, perfectionism, underachievement, peer relations, gender issues, risk taking, family relations, cultural factors, twice exceptional, self-esteem, career counseling, asynchronous development, and counseling skills for teachers

ED CIFS 539 – (3 credits) Curriculum Adaptations for GT -Sherry Dismuke Instructor: Curriculum adaptations for gifted and talented learners including curriculum compacting, independent study, project-based learning, research-based learning, enrichment programs, mentoring programs, acceleration, dual enrollment, and more

ED CIFS 597 Assessment for GT (3 credits) – Sherry Dismuke & Helga Gabrielli: This course introduces educators to a wide variety of assessments for students with gifts and talents, including identification, multiple ways of assessing each student’s learning progress, and evaluation of programming. The course will cover the understanding of unbiased, technically adequate, and equitable approaches to identify students from diverse backgrounds and students with exceptionalities.

EDGT6195 - Foundations of Gifted and Talented Education - Brett Nordquist
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an overview of
giftedness as it relates to young people and to provide an introduction to virtually all aspects of program planning and development, including an understanding of the (a) historical context of gifted education; (b) theories of intelligence; (c) nature, needs and characteristics of giftedness; (d) identification systems or talent profiles; (e) grouping, acceleration, and/or enrichment strategies for enhancing curricular options; (f) meeting the needs of the gifted in the regular classroom; and (g) program models for serving gifted and talented students. The course will also explore special identification and programming services for meeting the needs of diverse populations, economically disadvantaged, twice-exceptional, and underachieving gifted students.

EDGT6702 - Social Emotional Needs of Gifted and Talented Learners - Meghan Stewart
This course is designed to address the social and emotional needs of students who display gifted behaviors and to explore current research on effective growth and potential adjustment problems of gifted youth. This course is designed for teachers and counselors to help them understand the cognitive complexity and emotional intensity of high ability students. An overview of psychological theory, current research, and practical counseling techniques will provide educators with developmental knowledge and strategies to help them serve this special population. Possible topics to be addressed include: emotional aspects of giftedness; peer relations; gender issues; cultural factors; twice exceptional; asynchronous development; motivational issues; perfectionism; underachievement issues; working with family members; multi-potentiality; resources and strategies available for meeting the effective needs of children and adolescents; and appropriate counseling skills for teachers.

EDGT6079 - Creativity and Critical Thinking - Kaitlyn Estlick
The major purpose of this course is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of creativity
and critical thinking-- what it is and how to stimulate creative and critical thinking in students. The course is an introduction to major definitions, theories, and research related to the study of creativity and critical thinking. Participants will learn techniques for stimulating creative thinking as well as strategies for adapting existing curricula to develop creative and critical thinking skills and dispositions in students. Possible topics include the assessment of creative and critical thinking abilities, methods for enhancing personal thinking abilities, and techniques for examining the thinking processes.

EDGT6078 - Curriculum Adaptations for Gifted and Talented Students - Cara Hinkson
The major purpose of this course is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of curricular
experiences for gifted and talented students. The course of study should familiarize participants with the various theories, principles, and models of curriculum develop for gifted and talented students. A variety of curricular models will be explored, which will be used as a framework for developing differentiated and defensible curriculum for gifted students.