Our Team

You're invited to keep creating with us!

We embarked on this project as graduate students from UC Berkeley, driven by our shared passion for education and data science. As students ourselves, we know there is so much good that can come from an engaging and personalized learning experience. We hope you enjoy EduCreate!

Ethan Moody

[The Mastermind]

Project Manager & Researcher

Eugene Oon

[The AI Alchemist]

Machine Learning Engineer

Yuri Kinakin

[The System Wizard]

MVP Application Developer

Xin Song

[The Data Detective]

Model Evaluator & EDA Lead

About Ethan

Ethan works as a Data Scientist in the insurance industry. He has over ten years of experience in product analysis, where he's executed a variety of strategic projects as both an individual contributor and as a leader of analytical teams. To this day, he remains grateful for each teacher he's had who made learning an adventure by infusing their knowledge, stories, humor, and a little bit of fun into class lessons.

Character Profile:

About Eugene

Eugene currently leads the strategic HR practices group at a global investment institution in the UAE. With over 20 years of experience in the finance industry across multiple markets, his career has spanned roles as an actuary, M&A specialist, and human capital expert. Despite early struggles in school, he gratefully recalls a dedicated math teacher who took the time to engage him, igniting his lifelong passion and curiosity for numbers, algorithms, and complexity science.

Character Profile:

About Yuri

Yuri... <in progress> ...

Character Profile:

About Xin

Xin... <in progress> ...

Character Profile:

Roll the Credits!

We would like to extend a special thanks to Mark Butler for his invaluable wisdom in the GenAI space, to our instructors Danielle Cummings and Fred Nugen for their thoughtful feedback and guidance throughout our journey, and to each of the educators, teachers, and colleagues we spoke with along the way. Your insights have been instrumental in helping us bring our vision for EduCreate to life. Thank you!