
Link to the Zoom Chat on 3/23! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bhn3-KNcUAazAY4J0Di0wI8nsglfdkA458vMU8-t2go/edit?usp=sharing

LINK FOR VIDEO FROM 3/23 Session: https://youtu.be/Z_664nAn_-A

Instructional Coaches Survey: PLEASE COMPLETE:



@JoeCappadonia (Twitter)

Links to Educational Experts websites/information:

Jim Knight, Anne Hoffman, Michelle Harris, Sharon Thomas: ICG: https://instructionalcoaching.com/

The Instructional Playbook https://instructionalcoaching.com/bookstore/

Digital Resources: (Jim Knight)


Virtual Coaching Sessions (Jim Knight):


John Almarode: https://johnalmarode.com/ Clarity For Learning

Kathy Perret: #educoach https://www.kathyperret.org/

Peter Dewitt: http://www.petermdewitt.com/

Instructional Leadership: http://www.petermdewitt.com/books.html

Sherry St. Clair: https://www.reflecttolearn.com/book Twitter @SherryStclair

Lissa Pijanowski: free 6-week book study online starting April 1 www.lpijanowski.com/publications

Architects of Deeper Learning https://www.thriftbooks.com/a/lissa-pijanowski/3668577/

Julie Stern: Conceptual Understanding https://edtosavetheworld.com/about/

Krista Leh: https://resonanceed.com/ Education & SEL

Weston Kieschnick: Bold School https://leadered.com/publications/bold-school/

Thomas Murray: Personal & Authentic https://www.thomascmurray.com/authenticedu1

Jeff Zoul: Improving Your School One Week at a Time, and Building Culture One Week at a time


Eric Sheninger: http://ericsheninger.com/books-articles/ Digital Leadership, Learning Transformed, Uncommon Learning, BrandED


Weekly Coaching Roundup: E-Learning Tips for Coaches and Teachers

Coaching for Community: 4 Tips for Coaching in Unprecedented Times