Student Drop-in Hours

Why visit student drop-in hours? These days are a time to clarify understanding of course material or assignments.  They are also beneficial for your professor in getting to know a student that may want a letter of recommendation.  You can also get help with academic advising, course planning, career ideas, and graduation.

Spring 2024 student drop-in hours

Monday 11am-1pm     virtual on Zoom

Tuesday 1:30-3pm        in-person and Zoom

Thursday 2-3pm            in-person and Zoom

Drop by my office on in-person days or sign up for a session. To sign up for a session use this student hours link.  If you are interested in a virtual session, a Zoom link will be provided in your Nmail calendar once your signup is confirmed.  If you want to meet outside of the listed hours, send me an email and we can set up a session that works with your schedule.