Experiencing Active Training Session

Presented by Prof. Dr Abd Karim Alias


Hello everyone and greetings!

Let me wish you a welcome to this special session. The main goal of this session is to let you have the experience of conducting an active training session.

The theme of the session is Education in the Era of Industry 4.0.

The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is a new term coined in the 2016 World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos. I've been following the development of 4IR and the discussion around it since then. I'm delighted to see the increasing interest in 4IR and its spin-off terms such as Industry 4.0, Education 4.0, etc.

Let me ask the BIG question:

How do we educate the future-ready talents to face the challenges of

Industry 4.0?


The objectives of the session are:

  • to give the understanding of the concept and implementation of the 21st-century teaching &learning;

  • to provide the opportunity for the academic leaders at all levels to experience first-hand the active digital classroom environment.

The theme of the session is Education in the Era of Industry 4.0.

At the end of the session, you should be able to:

  • Explain the meaning of fourth industrial revolution (4IR)

  • Discuss the significance of 4IR in the context of it's impact on education

  • Describe the main attributes of future-ready talents

Approach of this workshop

Learn by Doing

This workshop is designed in such a manner to allow participants to construct their own knowledge and create their own meaning.

  • ACTIVITY—Participants will be guided and facilitated through a series of activities designed to scaffold the knowledge towards achieving the learning outcomes. The activity can be done individually or in group.

  • CLOSURE—At the end of each activity, the instructor will provide a summary (closure) of the activity, clarifying any doubt or confusion or answering any questions from the participants.

  • REFLECTION—At the end of the session, participants will be required to make a reflection and summarise the essence of what they have learned in the session.

This session is designed as a 3-hour classroom simulation. To ensure a successful and fruitful session, please do the followings:

  • Open your heart and eliminate any doubt and prejudice

  • Focus, focus, focus

  • Give your full cooperation to participate in all of the learning activities designed for the session.

Brace yourself for the adventure.

Get ready to put on your thinking caps!