FAQ Page

  • What is the address & telephone number of the MA Statehouse:

A: 24 Beacon Street Boston, MA 02133 T: 617.722.2000

  • What is morning & afternoon traffic like traveling to/from Boston?

A: Here's a website that contain weekday traffic volumes.

  • Should I take the subway (T) vs. driving into the city?

A: This article will help you decide. If you decide yes, then this website will provide directions to the Statehouse. Please scroll below the map. Here are average times to help you plan as well as a trip planner.

  • Where do I park? What is the parking fee? Do I bring cash to park?

A: There are many places to park. Please refer to this website to learn the locations of parking and how to reserve your spot by downloading the APP, Spot Hero. When you reserve your parking with SpotHero, you'll be charged.

  • Where is the Hall of Flags located in the State House?

A: The 2nd floor

  • Where do we enter?

A: Visitors should enter at the General Hooker entrance which is just to the right of the main gate if you are facing the State House. Visitors can proceed past the statue of Civil War General Joseph Hooker. Handicap entrances are located at Ashburton Park.

  • Are their elevators?

A: Yes. Once inside after going through security, go to the left, past the State Bookstore and at the end of the hallway on the left take the elevators up to the second floor. For stairs, proceed past elevators and take another left -near room 190.

  • What time do I arrive to set up?

A: You may arrive 15 minutes earlier than your slot time to set up. The building is open to the public from 8:45am-5pm.

  • What is appropriate attire for adults and for students?

A: At the booth, you can wear your school colors or logo wear. Other options include business casual for teachers. For students, boys can wear a collared shirt and long pants or long shorts. For girls, collared shirt, dress, skirt, pants, capris, or long shorts. Closed shoes are recommended, sneakers are great!

  • If my party arrives before me, can s/he enter the statehouse?

A: The statehouse building opens at 8:45am.

  • Will we wear name tags?

A: Yes, nametags will be distributed at registration.

  • Do we need a table sign?

A: No, MassCUE is providing table signs.

  • What size is our table?

A: 8 feet long, 30 inches wide.

  • How many chairs?

A: 4 chairs

  • Is there electricity?

A: Yes, there will be powerstrips but please make sure your laptops/mobile devices are fully charged.

  • Is there WIFI?

A: Yes, though bandwith is not guaranteed. Please download all videos, files, etc.

  • Do presenters plan a give-a-way like a fact sheet about our district to give to the legislators?

A: Students are welcome to prepare fact sheets for legislators, but it is not required.

  • How does my superintendent connect with our legislators in order to talk about my district’s issues or needs?

A: Administrators are encouraged to circulate and engage in conversations with legislators AND other schools and students. So much can be learned by listening to student voice and exploring the learning at other schools.

  • Are their public restrooms?

A: Yes. You will need to pass through security. Please scroll to read 2, "The New Statehouse"

  • Are there places to purchase water or snack or can we bring water?

A: Our Code of Conduct page provides this information.

  • May parents/chaperones be a part of the day?

A: Yes! Parents/chaperones are welcome to visit the tables and talk with students, educators and legislators. As the tables will be filled with students and educators, we ask that you not stand with your students. Please give them the space and opportunity to share their passion and learning with their table visitors. Please note that it is not an expectation that parents attend. This is a parent/school decision.

  • May we walk around the Statehouse as to informally tour it after or before our session?

A: Tours are offered between 10:00am-3:30pm. Reservations are required. MassCUE is organizing tours - information for this will be provided separately. Here is a brochure that can support self-guided tours of the outside grounds.

Additional questions? Email me at tsockalosky@masscue.org.