Song Education brings together some of the pivotal songs from these series, with background info on each of these artists for educational purposes. But mostly, for you to enjoy these often re-discovered songs in the most romantic way to experience music: on a beautiful vinyl record.

Music has always played an important role in TV shows. It can create a vibe, tension, a romantic atmosphere or a certain setting in time. With the wide range of shows currently being offered by the growing number of streaming services, their audiences are discovering bands and artists, old and new, more than ever before and keeping all adults, kids and everyone in between alike in rhythm.Song Education brings together some of the pivotal songs from these series, showcasing great music from the Sixties until the Nineties resurrecting through trending series like Sex Education, Stranger Things and The Queen's Gambit. And how better to re-discover old gems then on a classic vinyl record.

Educated Song Download

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Song Education brings together some of the pivotal songs from these series, showcasing great music from the Sixties until the Nineties resurrecting through trending series like Sex Education, Stranger Things and The Queen's Gambit. And how better to re-discover old gems then on a classic vinyl record.

"It was a weird kind of phrase, like, that I remembered as something as a kid. You know, my parents, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, the whole family, were involved in carnival business and, like, circus business, so as a kid, we would get dragged to these things, and we'd have to spend all this time there. And that was just one of the attractions I remember, what they would call the trained animals, you know, educated horses."

The Hampsong Education Fellowship in American Song is awarded competitively to educators at any phase of their careers who wish to help students and the general public understand American history and culture through the medium of song, by developing curricular or co-curricular projects that utilize materials from the Song of America database and Voices Across Time, or other primary resources in American song. Song of America is an online database created by the Hampsong Foundation for the purpose of understanding American culture through classic song; Voices Across Time is a resource guide created by the Society for American Music and the University of Pittsburgh Center for American Music, offering materials and strategies for using historic American songs as primary sources for studying American history and literature.

In the world of education, there are many temptations that would lure us to our destruction, and none greater than the siren song of education technology. The computer is, of course, only one form of education technology, and education technology is anything but new.

Those of us educated in the 60s and 70s will remember the mimeograph machine, which spat out pages of blue type the teacher then handed to her students. Some of us still remember holding the fresh sheets of paper to our noses for the unique and pleasant smell of the ink. And some of us can still hear the distinctive sound of the film projector, rattling as it threw up on the screen some poorly animated attempt to inculcate a bit of knowledge or impart some important principle.

Background:  Oral diseases mainly caused by poor oral hygiene are a major public health problem affecting over half of the world's population. Oral hygiene education targeted at children and teenagers in schools is an important approach in addressing this problem. Folk songs in the language and cultural context children and teenagers are familiar with appears to be a promising tool and alternative to traditional oral hygiene education.

Objectives:  This paper aims to report how a local traditional song on oral hygiene education amongst children and teenagers in southwestern Nigeria was developed with a view to providing information on how the song can be developed in other languages as well as how other oral health education songs can be developed.

Method:  Oral health professionals from the University College Hospital, Ibadan, and music experts from the University of Ibadan, in collaboration with traditional/local musicians, parents/guardians, schoolteachers, and community heads, took part in the development of the song over a period of 6 months. Developing the tool involved certain processes which were validated and evaluated. These processes included developing the lyrics, choosing the type of song, creating the melody, and producing and finishing the song as an oral hygiene education tool. Written and audio documentations of the processes were done.

Results:  A 90-second oral hygiene education song was developed in English and later translated into Yoruba. The numerous steps, collaborations, and meetings required in the development of the song were associated with many learning opportunities including team-building, understanding cultural contexts, effective collaboration, leadership, and communication skills.

Ten studio albums plus lots of tracks on deluxe editions, special issues, rerecords and "from the vault" material still leaves a lot of Swift music on the cutting room floor, even after the 3-hour, 44-song mega set list. It covers nine of her 10 albums, including her most recent four that she hasn't toured yet: "Lover," "Folklore," "Evermore" and "Midnights."Those largely unperformed "eras," as seasoned Swifties call them, account for almost two-thirds of the show. For the uninitiated, fans use particular colors and emoji as era shorthand, so we'll stick with that style, too.

Swift said she doesn't want to repeat the songs during the acoustic set, although she's already somewhat shaken that off. She's given herself permission to repeat a song if she makes an error the first time around, and said she'll play songs from her most recent album, "Midnights," as many times as she wants.Not that she'd need to: Her back catalog leaves plenty to choose from. Plus, Swift is a prolific songwriter and collaborator on other artists' albums, so those could be on the table, too. She has already played one track she recorded just for the movie soundtrack of "Fifty Shades Darker."

She's already played most of those during the Eras Tour in some capacity, and we can strike a few she played as surprise songs the last time she was at U.S. Bank Stadium. One, "Tied Together With a Smile" from her first album, she hadn't performed anywhere since 2007, according to, so it's unlikely she'll revisit it here.

If Vernon indeed comes to town, there's even another shot-in-the-dark song possibility. A couple of years ago, Swift appeared on two tracks with him and Dessner under the band Big Red Machine. On one, "Renegade," Swift leads vocals. It would be only her second Eras-less surprise song if played, but not unheard of.For what it's worth, St. Louis Park's own Dan Wilson would have been on our special guest short list (he co-wrote and helped produce some "Red"-era tracks), but his band Semisonic is scheduled for shows in California while Swift's in town.

In Sometimes a Song, my wife Debra is really behind much of that section of our site. She knows more about popular music than anybody I know, and as she herself has sung much of it and played much of it also on the guitar, and as she grew up listening to it in the home, she has great insights that I could never hope to have, not if I lived another hundred years. If you want to know where the songs come from, what their singers were like, what they meant to the people who first sang them, you can't do better than to read her essays, which I think are the highlight of the week.

And this, Dr. Esolen, seems also to be truly under attack right now. And we are nothing without the feminine and masculine; when you look at any poem or song, as you write, the sexes were made for each other.

Jazz musicians place a high value on finding their own sound and style, and that means, for example, that trumpeter Miles Davis sounds very different than trumpeter Louis Armstrong (whose sound you can hear in Louis's Music Class.) Jazz musicians like to play their songs in their own distinct styles, and so you might listen to a dozen different jazz recordings of the same song, but each will sound different. The musicians' playing styles make each version different, and so do the improvised solos. Jazz is about making something familiar--a familiar song--into something fresh. And about making something shared--a tune that everyone knows--into somethingpersonal. Those are just some of the reasons that jazz is a great art form, and why some people consider it "America's classical music."

Song dynasty artists explored new themes and techniques in painting and ceramics. The Song interest in science and minute observation of the world resulted, somewhat paradoxically, in large- scale grand landscape paintings that explore the world in fine detail. New glazes and porcelain techniques flourished. Song artists were interested in both the monumental and the delicate; in the functional and the mysterious, all of which they recognized as intrinsic natural phenomenon of the world. Ordinary and educated people alike were exposed to art and literature through the new invention of printing, which encouraged the development of drama and fiction. Creative pursuits were unified by a cultural inclination to connoisseurship: the wealthy and even not-so-wealthy shared an interest in art, literature, and science, and cultivated good taste in their patronage of the arts. The Song love of the refined extended to relics and antiques, which helped to foster the nascent science of archaeology, as well as the older art of forgery. Connoisseurs embraced even cuisine and gardening, which were transformed into gentlemanly concerns for the first time. e24fc04721

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