Job Support Club &
ESOL for Work Course
Educafe’s Job Support Club and English for Work Course is for non-native speakers looking to start or return to work in West Berkshire.
11th June – 16th July 2021
Newbury Town Hall
10.00am - 1.00pm
6-free sessions for eligible learners in West Berkshire
Non-native speakers who would like to improve English language and literacy skills to start or return to work, volunteer, reconnect with learning and/or further training.
The course includes expert employability workshops delivered by local support agencies including Sovereign Housing Association.
English Language Support
*Describe jobs, work and people
*Discover job hunting
*Understand and practice vocabulary for salary and pay
*Identify C.V. mistakes
*Write a personal C.V.
*Review and practise interview skills
Entry Requirements
*English Test (Entry 3 required)
*Access to a PC, Laptop, phone
*Access to Wi-Fi & Internet
West Berkshire Council
This course is funded by West Berkshire Adult Community Learning and is free to eligible learners.
o Photo ID prior to the course
o Valid Visa if required
o Proof of address – (Copy of Council Tax Bill, Utility Bill, Bank Statement)
o Terms and Conditions apply
Get Involved
Please get in touch with us for more information or to get involved.
Colline Watts and Clare Middleton
T: 01635 936211
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