
June 9, 2017

What Teachers Really Do On Summer Break

Ever wonder what teachers really do while on summer break? For most, it's a time to relax and gain their strength back after a long school year. For some, it can mean spending more quality time with their family and friends. For others, their time is spent doing housework and chores left neglected all spring. Then, there's the group of teachers who spend all spring searching out professional development opportunities for their summer break.

Are they the powerful and supernatural teachers of the future? Or just the dedicated few? They're none of those things.

They're passionate learners seeking to improve their skills.

There's many things I enjoy about my summer break, but one thing I enjoy the most is professional development time. It's the time of year I can study all the things I didn't have time to do all year. Throughout the school year, I stumble across really great ideas and things others are doing. I use my summer break to learn more about these things and more. You can learn a new skill, finish or earn another degree, gain a new certificate, and much more.

It's a time to reflect and grow in areas of need. My passion for learning and improving drive me daily.

With 8-10 weeks of summer break, there's still plenty of time for movies with friends, camping with family, and catching up on chores. However, if you're like me and on the lookout for great summer professional development, I've listed a few of my favorite places to look: