Published Papers

Figlio, D.N., Hart, C.M.D., & Karbownik, K. (Forthcoming). Effects of Maturing Private School Choice Programs on Public School Students. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
Sample Media Mentions: EdWeek, The 74 Million
Working paper version:


Hart, C.M.D., Linden, R., Jacob, B.A., & Loeb, S. (2023). Online Course-Taking and Expansion of Curricular Options in High Schools. Peabody Journal of Education, 98(1): 26-48. 
Working paper version:


Gershenson, S., Hart, C.M.D., Hyman, J., Lindsay, C., & Papageorge, N.W. (2022). The Long-Run Impacts of Same-Race Teachers. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14(4): 300-342.

Sample Media Mentions: Washington Post, New York Times, National Public Radio, The 74 Million, EdWeek
Cited in the 2023 Economic Report of the President

Figlio, D., Hart, C.M.D., & Karbownik, K. (2022). The Ripple Effect. Education Next, 22(1).

Hart, C.M.D., Xu, D., Hill, M., & Alonso, E. (2021). COVID-19 and Community College Instructional Responses. Online Learning, 25(1): 41-69.


Hart, C.M.D. (2020). An Honors Teacher Like Me: Teacher-Student Demographic Match Effects on Advanced Course Enrollment and Performance. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 42(2): 163-187.

Hart, C.M.D., Berger, D., Jacob, B., Loeb, S., & Hill, M. (2019). Online Learning, Offline Outcomes: Online Course-Taking and High School Student Performance. AERA Open, 5(1): 1-17.

Hart, C.M.D., Friedmann, E.A.Z., & Hill, M. (2018). Online Course-taking and Student Outcomes in California Community Colleges. Education Finance and Policy. 13(1): 42-71.

Lindsay, C.A., & Hart, C.M.D. (2017). Exposure to Same-Race Teachers and Student Disciplinary Outcomes for Black Students in North Carolina. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. 39(3): 485-510.

Lindsay, C.A., & Hart, C.M.D. (2017). Teacher race and school discipline. Education Next, 17(1).

Jacob, B., Berger, D., Hart, C., & Loeb, S. (2016). Can Technology Help Promote Equality of Educational Opportunities? RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences. 2(5): 242-271.

Hart, C.M.D., & Figlio, D.N. (2015). School accountability and school choice: Effects on student selection across schools. National Tax Journal. 68(3S): 875-900.

Hart, C.M.D., & Sojourner, A.J. (2015). Unionization and Productivity: Evidence from Charter Schools. Industrial Relations, 54(3): 422-448.

Hart, C.M.D. (2014). Contexts matter: Selection in means-tested school voucher programs. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 36(2): 186-206.

Figlio, D. & Hart, C.M.D. (2014). Competitive effects of means-tested school vouchers. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 6(1): 133-156.

Shager, H., Schindler, H., Magnuson, K.A., Duncan, G.J., Yoshikawa, H., & Hart, C.M.D. (2013) Can research design explain variation in Head Start research results? A meta-analysis of cognitive and achievement outcomes. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 35(1): 76-95.

2010 Figlio, D., Hart, C.M.D., & Metzger, M. (2010). Who uses a means-tested scholarship and what do they choose? Economics of Education Review 29(2): 301-317.

2008: Mendenhall, R., Kalil, A., Spindel, L.J. & Hart, C.M.D. (2008). Job loss at mid-life: Managers and executives face the “new risk economy.‟ Social Forces 87(1): 185-209.


Cooper, S., Hart, C., Kurlaender, M., Rios-Aguilar, C., Rodriguez, F.C., & Sublett, C. (2020). Turning on a dime: California Community College transformation in response to COVID-19. Research Brief for Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research 5(2). August 2020.