Algebraic Topology 1

For this course, I will sometimes make use of other lecture notes, which have been written by Ieke Moerdijk and Moritz Groth for a course given at Nijmegen University. I gratefully acknowledge their courtesy in letting me use them.

The course starts on October 7th and it runs on Mondays (lectures) and Thursdays (exercises), from 17:20 to 18:50. The classes on the 14th and 17th of October will not run, but we will make them up later before the end of the course.

EXAM DATES: -January 15th (@K11 from 11am to 1:30 pm) [pdf, solutions]

- January 22nd (@K11 from 11am to 1:30 pm) [pdf, solutions]

- January 27th (@K2 from 10am to 12:30 pm) [pdf, solutions]

- January 30th (@K11 from 11am to 1:30 pm) [pdf, solutions]

This will be a written exam with similar exercises as the ones we have done during tutorials. We will also see some more exercises in the 6th to 10th week of January.

Lecture 1: Categorical language and the notion of homotopy (pdf, up to Def. 1.7 included)

Exercise sheet 1 (pdf)

Lecture 2: "The fundamental group(oid) functor" (pdf)

Exercise sheet 2 (pdf)

Lecture 3: "Spaces of maps, loop spaces and reduced suspensions " (pdf)

Exercise sheet 3 (pdf)

Lecture 4: "Covering spaces and fibrations" (pdf)

Exercise sheet 4 (pdf)

Lecture 5: "Fibrations and fundamental groups" (pdf)

Exercise sheet 5 (pdf)

Lecture 6: "Seifert-Van Kampen's theorem" (pdf)

Exercise sheet 6 (pdf)

Lecture 7: "Singular homology" (pdf)

Exercise sheet 7 (pdf)

Lecture 8:"Low dimensional identifications" (pdf)

Exercise sheet 8 (pdf)

Lecture 9: "Relative singular homology and the long exact sequence of a pair" (pdf)

Exercise sheet 9: fill in the gaps in the proofs given in class

Lecture 10: "Homotopy invariance of singular homology and (reduced) homology groups of spheres" (pdf)

Lecture 11: "Excision property and Mayer-Vietoris sequence" (pdf)

Exercise sheet 12: "Calculations with the Mayer-Vietoris sequence" (pdf)

Some examples: Torus (ex 2), Torus + Mobius band (ex 7)

Solutions (week 12): (pdf)

Exercise sheet 13: "Recap" (pdf)