
Working Papers

Controls, Not Shocks: Estimating Dynamic Causal Effects in Macroeconomics, with Simon Lloyd

Working Paper (April 2024)

Presentations (by me): Bank of England, Econometric Society Winter Meetings 2022 (Berlin), 30th Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (Orlando),  Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2023 (Glasgow),  Workshop in Empirical and Theoretical Macroeconomics (Kings' College London),  International Association for Applied Econometrics Annual Conference 2023 (Oslo)

The Transmission of Macroprudential Policy in the Tails: Evidence from a Narrative Approach, with Álvaro Fernández-Gallardo and Simon Lloyd

Working Paper (November 2023)

Runner Up, 2023 Ieke van den Burg Prize for Research on Systemic Risk, ESRB.

Blog: Bank Underground

Twitter: Summary Thread 

Journal Publications

Firms' Margins Behaviour in Response to Energy Shocks: Evidence from the UK, with Sophie Piton and Ivan Yotzov

Economics Letters, February 2024

Published Version

Blog: VoxEU

Press Coverage: The Guardian

Foreign Vulnerabilities, Domestic Risks: The Global Drivers of GDP-at-Risk, with Simon Lloyd and Konstantin Panchev

IMF Economic Review, February 2023

Published Version | Working Paper

Blog: Bank Underground

Twitter: Summary Thread

Press Coverage:


When Growth-at-Risk Hits the Fan: Comparing Quantile-Regression Predictive Densities with Committee Fan Charts, with Simon Lloyd and Giulia Mantoan 

Preliminary Draft  (May 2022)

Presentations (by me): 25th Central Bank Macroeconomic Modeling Workshop (Central Bank of Colombia);  26th Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network (CEMLA)

Policy Papers

No economy is an island: how foreign shocks affect UK macrofinancial stability, with Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, Rosie Dickinson, Sevim Kösem and Simon Lloyd

Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin (October 2021)

Press Coverage: Bloomberg