External Resources

EDI information from UKRI and EPSRC

Launched in April 2018, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT). 

Our vision is for an outstanding research and innovation system in the UK that gives everyone the opportunity to contribute and to benefit, enriching lives locally, nationally and internationally.

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) is the main funding body for engineering and physical sciences research in the UK. Our diverse portfolio ranges from digital technologies to clean energy, manufacturing to mathematics, advanced materials to chemistry.

UKRI EDI strategy and other useful resources 

EPSRC EDI action plan

EDI guidance

EDI funding data

Women and minority gender

Piscopia Initiative 

The Piscopia Initiative is a UK-wide network of women and non-binary undergraduate/MSc students, PhD students, and researchers in Mathematics and related disciplines. The Piscopia Initiative aims to encourage women and non-binary people to pursue a PhD in Mathematics. We offer both UK-wide and university-specific events at 15 UK universities through our local Piscopia committees. These are all aimed at women and non-binary undergraduate/ MSc students in mathematics and related disciplines.


The Women in Combinatorics network, WinCom, is intended as a platform for any Combinatorialist who identifies as a woman or non-binary person and would like to connect with other women for various professional reasons and concerns.



Improving LGBTQ+ visibility in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Welcome to the website for LGBTQ+ mathematicians and their allies. This arose from a need for recognition and community for Gender and Sexual Minority mathematicians, and we hope that this will be a resource for our community. Check back as our organization grows and evolves!



BBSTEM is a non-profit organisation campaigning for balance and representation of Black individuals in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

Mathematically Gifted & Black

Latinxs and Hispanics in the Mathematical Sciences

Lathisms (Latinx and Hispanics in the Mathematical Sciences) was founded in 2016 with the mission of showcasing the contributions of Latinx and Hispanic mathematicians during Hispanic Heritage Month (from September 15 to October 15). Our goal is to provide an accessible platform that features the multifaceted and diverse nature of the Latinx and Hispanic mathematics community and inspires the younger generation of Latinx mathematicians.


Neurodiversity Hub

Through the passionate efforts of a great many people in the Neurodiversity Hub community of practice, some fabulous resources have been assembled that we hope will go a long way in assisting students and young adults get through their university and college studies, obtain a job and start a career.


The Royal Society - Celebrating scientists with disabilities

To mark the International Day of People with Disabilities, we’re highlighting a selection of their stories, from historical figures to current experts working in the fields of experimental physics, volcanology, assistive technology, and more.

Sines of disability 

Blog post from the Mathematical Association of America

Class/socioeconomic/state school

Alliance of Working Class Academics

We are an international collective of working class academics.

Our Aims: Help academic colleagues overcome class-based barriers throughout their careers. Amass data on the economic, social, and cultural challenges facing working class academics. Mentor and support working class students. Develop best practices on recruiting, retaining, and meaningfully advocating on behalf of working class faculty, staff, and students.

Martingale Foundation

Through fully-funded Scholarships and access to a community of pioneering leaders, we enable and nurture talented students to pursue Masters and PhDs in STEM subjects at some of the leading research universities in the UK.

Sadly there are very few resources on this topic, which in itself is part of the issue. If you know of any helpful resources then we'd really appreacite you letting us know!