...internet cynics lumped the online Nazis together with the serial killer fetishists and the dumbest goths and dismissed them all as edgelords: kids who tried to be scary online. I thought of most of these edgelords as basement-dwellers, pale faces lit by the glow of their computer screen, puffing themselves up with nihilism. An edgelord was a scrawny guy with a LARP-y vibe, possibly wearing a cloak, dreaming of omnipotence. Or a girl with excessive eyeliner and lots of Tumblr posts about self-harm. The disturbing content posted by edgelords was undermined by its predictability...[6]

Edgelord can therefore be an insult for people online who are trying to impress others by posting about dark, shocking content. Typical edgelords might utter racist and/or sexist comments, post gruesome videos of shooting deaths, or have, shall we say, nuanced views of fascism and nihilism. An edgelord, for instance, might say positive things about Hitler, or they might aggrandize mass shootings, hoping their edginess makes them seem unique or especially intellectual.

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Although dark, dark, darkity dark is certainly the dominant visual cue, I never considered it a requirement. (in fact, I challenge the magnificent character imaginators in this game to make the edgiest rainbow edgelord possible! Any correctly-played Clown Edgelord that predates this post gets my official nod of respect. Mime-edgelord: make it happen. Catgirl edgelords- come on, in the infinite number of catgirls online, statistics say they have to exist. keep them away from me. No challenge there. Costume contest for the edgiest edglordiest puns incoming.)

Honestly, that kind of edgelord interaction that I LIKE. (1st degree was criminology/prelaw with a focus on deviant psychology* before I went into the comp sci field). THAT would be an interesting take and engaging for a me as a player, even if my characters aren't taking that dark path themselves. It creates some fascinating interpersonal moments.

The fatigue sets in when it it becomes clear that the PLAYER behind the character is ...maybe a bit too much of a method actor?

( *I don't necessarily play edgelords, but there's a reason why so many of my characters have been shaped by encounters in juvenile justice, really messed up home lives, or places where the justice system's "rough edges" left pretty sizable scars. Maybe I don't go full 'edge' with them because I'm hoping that there's a way back from the trauma that I've seen inflicted in those folks and I manifest that hope via RP. )

Notice the apologetics that @Siouxsie has to go into in the third post of this thread to justify using red and black and the /Dark powerset, or @jkwak going "I make fun of edgelords (but also I play them)" in the eighth. Notice how @TaleFromYourPocket has to frame their hypothetical edgelord character's angst as having a social-commentary polemic before people here will accept it as valid. These are players who clearly enjoy the aesthetic of darkness, but understand that there is a social pressure on Everlasting to not indulge in that aesthetic without qualification or - in the middle case - performing the necessary mockery of that aesthetic to satisfy the community's expectations.

There are epistemic benefits to a community containing edgelords. They\u2019re motivated to search for errors in common wisdom, and this is good, because common wisdom can be false as well as harmful. But you may think that edgelord energy also comes with costs.

I think Hanson is clearly motivated by the desire to focus on important topics. This is admirable, and indeed one thing you get from edgelord energy. Even if edgelords (and even their instantiation in the \u2018truthful troll\u2019) are objectionable in one way, edgelords are at least privy to the fact that other people\u2019s concerns and self-conceptions matter. By focusing on controversy, the edgelord is clearly motivated by a desire to direct their attention towards areas which other people care about. Whatever else is objectionable about the edgelord, the edgelord at least recognizes, in some imperfect way, that other people\u2019s thoughts and opinions really matter.

I like the idea of applying edgelord energy to the behavior of edgelords themselves. While I don\u2019t want to claim that the following description is true of Hanson, I see the appeal in highlighting the cracks in the self-conceptions of certain edgelords may have as \u2018bravely standing up for truth\u2019, while feeling just a bit too satisfied by their own counter-intuitive conclusions. I see the appeal in a project which attempts to chip away at and reform people\u2019s current self-conceptions.

All that said, I\u2019m not sure if the primary benefit of this post consists in its argument for a particular thesis. I think the main point of the post might be better construed as offering something like therapy for edgelords. I\u2019m trying to say \u201Clook, here are some examples of a pattern\u201D, alongside an invitation for readers to recognize the pattern in themselves.

An edgelord is someone with harsh opinions that they express in distasteful, offensive language to seem both edgy and aloof. As a 21st-century provocateur, an edgelord is especially attracted to taboo and controversial topics, which best showcase their would-be nihilism. 

This person may dress in a provocative or shocking way, making them easy to spot. Unlike online trolls, who often are just normies trying to start trouble, edgelords set themselves apart from the norm in every way possible. e24fc04721

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