About Us

SDG Policy Research & Consulting Service

In today's rapidly changing world, the importance of sustainable development cannot be overstated. With the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a guiding framework, countries and organizations around the globe are striving to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To support this global effort, the emergence of SDG consulting services has become crucial in providing guidance and expertise to public and private entities.

One of the key responsibilities of an SDG consulting service is to analyze existing public and private policies and schemes. By thoroughly examining these policies, consultants can identify areas of improvement and suggest modifications that align with the SDGs. This process involves measuring the impact of these policies on the environment, society, and governance, ensuring that they contribute positively to the 2030 Agenda.

Furthermore, integrating the SDGs into national and international goals is a vital aspect of SDG consulting. By aligning these goals with the SDGs, countries can effectively track their progress and ensure that their policies and actions are contributing to the broader global agenda. This integration requires a comprehensive understanding of both the SDGs and the specific context of each country or organization.

Financial policies play a crucial role in sustainable development, and SDG consulting services must analyze them from various perspectives. This includes examining policies from international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF), as well as assessing the involvement of individual investors, international NGOs, funding companies, and non-banking sectors. By understanding the financial landscape, consultants can develop finance strategies that leverage blended finance and responsive investor techniques, thereby mobilizing resources towards SDG implementation.

In addition to analyzing existing policies, SDG consulting services also have the responsibility to modify or suggest new policies according to SDG criteria. This involves a careful assessment of the current policy landscape and identifying gaps or areas where improvements can be made. By providing evidence-based recommendations, consultants can guide decision-makers in shaping policies that are aligned with the SDGs and contribute to sustainable development.

In conclusion, SDG consulting services play a crucial role in supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. By analyzing existing policies, integrating the SDGs into national and international goals, assessing financial policies, and suggesting modifications, these services provide valuable expertise and guidance. As the world strives towards a more sustainable future, SDG consulting services will continue to be essential in driving positive change and ensuring a better tomorrow for all.

SDGs  Service




Edenz India is proud to be at the forefront of women's empowerment, actively supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 5 and 10. Our unwavering commitment to gender equality and reduced inequalities drives us to contribute project proposals to national and international governments and organizations.

We firmly believe that financial support, project support, volunteer support, policy research support, and legislation analysis support are essential tools in empowering women. To that end, we extend our assistance to public and private organizations, international NGOs, think tanks, and researchers, particularly in landlocked countries, Pacific islands, least developed nations, oceanic countries, and conflict areas.

Join us in our mission to achieve women's empowerment worldwide. 

#EdenzIndia #WomensEmpowerment #SDG5 #SDG10 #GenderEquality #ReducedInequalities



 In line with SDGs 16 and 17, Edenz India is dedicated to fostering global peace and security. We actively contribute project proposals to national and international governments and organizations, providing financial, project, volunteer, policy research, and legislation analysis support.

We extend our assistance to public and private organizations, international NGOs, think tanks, researchers, and entities in developing countries, emerging markets, landlocked countries, Pacific islands, least developed nations, oceanic countries, and conflict areas.

Together, let's build a world where peace and security prevail

#PeaceAndSecurity #SDGs #EdenzIndia



 Edenz India is committed to supporting Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 8 to achieve economic growth worldwide. We contribute project proposals to national and international governments and organizations, providing financial support, project support, volunteer support, policy research support, and legislation analysis support to public and private organizations, international NGOs, think tanks, and researchers.

Our focus is on landlocked countries, pacific islands, least developed nations, oceanic countries, and conflict areas. By investing in education and employment opportunities, we can empower individuals and communities to lift themselves out of poverty and contribute to the global economy.

Join us in our mission to make a difference! #Education4All #Employment4All #SDG4 #SDG8



 Climate change is the defining issue of our time, and it demands urgent action. Edenz India is committed to supporting SDG 13 and 11 by contributing project proposals to national and international governments and organizations. We provide financial support, project support, volunteer support, policy research support, and legislation analysis support to public and private organizations, international NGOs, think tanks, and researchers in developing countries, emerging markets, landlocked countries, Pacific islands, least developed nations, oceanic countries, and conflict areas.
Together, we can create sustainable cities and combat climate change for a brighter future. #ClimateAction #SDG13 #SDG11


 Edenz India is committed to supporting SDGs 9, 10, and 11 by fostering industrial growth and innovative business models worldwide. We contribute project proposals to national and international governments and organizations, providing financial support, project support, volunteer support, policy research support, and legislation analysis support to public and private organizations, international NGOs, think tanks, and researchers.

Our focus is on developing countries, emerging markets, landlocked countries, Pacific islands, least developed nations, oceanic countries, and conflict areas. We believe that by supporting industry and innovation in these regions, we can contribute to sustainable economic growth and improved living standards for all.

Join us in our mission to drive positive change through industry and innovation. Together, we can build a better future for all

#Innovation #Industry #Sustainability #EdenzIndia #SDGs


