Algorithms and Mechanisms for e-Democracy

2020 Course

Lecturers: Prof. Ehud Shapiro, Dr. Nimrod Talmon

Details: Tuesday, 0915-1100, Ziskind, Room 1


The seminar will cover a broad range of research questions, related to e-democracy.

These include:

    • Social Choice theory, voting rules, and decision-making processes
    • e-governance, including algorithms for participatory legislation and budgeting
    • Sybil prevention, detection, eradication and resilience
    • Advances in governance solutions for cryptocurrencies

The seminar will educate students to read and present research articles and will prepare them for doing original research in the area of e-democracy.

Reading list

Distributed Ledgers

Taxonomy of Blockchain Technologies: Principles of Identification and Classification

Deployment of a Blockchain-Based Self-Sovereign Identity

DAOs, Democracy and Governance

Notes on Blockchain Governance

Bitcoin’s Underlying Incentives


TrustChain: A Sybil-Resistant Scalable Blockchain

Algorand: Scaling Byzantine Agreements for Cryptocurrencies

Fighting Sybils

Sybilproof Reputation Mechanisms

Sybil Detection Using Latent Network Structure

False-name-proof Mechanism Design without Money

Sybil-proof accounting mechanisms with transitive trust

Detecting Fake Accounts in Online Social Networks at the Time of Registrations

SybilBelief: A Semi-supervised Learning Approach for Structure-based Sybil Detection

AGT and Axiomatic approaches

The Axiomatic Approach and the Internet (book chapter)

An axiomatic approach to personalized ranking systems

Liquidity in Credit Networks: A Little Trust Goes a Long Way

Computational Social Choice and Deliberation

Efficiency and Usability of Participatory Budgeting Methods

Statistical Foundations of Virtual Democracy

Choosing how to choose: Self-stable majority rules and constitutions

Simple Collective Identity Functions

Iterative Local Voting for Collective Decision-making in Continuous Spaces

Sequential Deliberation for Social Choice

Dynamic Collective Choice with Endogenous Status Quo

On Rational Delegations in Liquid Democracy

A Contribution to the Critique of Liquid Democracy

Cryptography and eVoting

A Critical Review of Receipt-Freeness and Coercion-Resistance

Fast Byzantine Agreement

Internet Voting Using Zcash