Thank you to everyone who joined us on March 11. You should have received an email with a survey to help make the next one even better, and submitting that will lead to a contact hours certificate!

See you next year! 

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Maranacook Community Middle School

2100 Millard Harrison Drive

Readfield, ME 04355


Free and Open to All: Edcamps never charge a fee, and are open to educators of all levels and subjects. 

Participant-Driven: Edcamps allow participants to collaboratively determine session topics the day of the event. 

Experience, not Experts: Edcamps encourage participants to facilitate sessions by sharing experiences; conversations not planned presentations. 

Rule of Two Feet: Edcamps suggest participants find sessions that meet their needs to maximize learning.

THIS YEAR, Edcamp207 would like to include a book swap. Do you have any books you would like to share with others? Bring one (or more) along to swap with others. Maybe it is a much-loved favorite, a PD book you found helpful, a book to share with students.... 

Bring a book; leave with a book!


Please tweet using hashtag #edcamp207

Thank you for joining us!

Things you should consider bringing:

Thank you to the Edcamp Foundation, Karen Cook, Booksource, JumpRope, Socrates, and ClassroomQ for sponsorship & door prize donations!