Edcamps are free public events that leverage the knowledge and experiences of attendees by allowing educators to collaboratively determine topics for discussion the day of the event. Educators facilitate sessions by using their experiences to drive conversation with their peers. Educators are encouraged to find Edcamp sessions that best meet their needs to maximize learning.
Edcamps are free public events that leverage the knowledge and experiences of attendees by allowing educators to collaboratively determine topics for discussion the day of the event. Educators facilitate sessions by using their experiences to drive conversation with their peers. Educators are encouraged to find Edcamp sessions that best meet their needs to maximize learning.
Free and open to all:
Free and open to all:
Edcamps never charge a fee, are open to educators of all levels and subjects, and schools. Edcamps are not designed to only be provided to educators in one school. If a school decides to use the Edcamp model for a professional development day, we fully support it! However, Edcamp professional development days for a specific school are encouraged to say their event is using the Edcamp model. Since it is not open to educators from outside of a school/district, it is not considered an Edcamp and is not eligible for an Edcamp-in-a-Box resource kit, which are intended for Edcamps open to educators across multiple schools and/or districts.
Edcamps never charge a fee, are open to educators of all levels and subjects, and schools. Edcamps are not designed to only be provided to educators in one school. If a school decides to use the Edcamp model for a professional development day, we fully support it! However, Edcamp professional development days for a specific school are encouraged to say their event is using the Edcamp model. Since it is not open to educators from outside of a school/district, it is not considered an Edcamp and is not eligible for an Edcamp-in-a-Box resource kit, which are intended for Edcamps open to educators across multiple schools and/or districts.
Participant driven:
Participant driven:
Edcamps allow participants to collaboratively determine session topics. Typically, session topics are sourced from those attending the Edcamp and the session board is built the day of the Edcamp with participation from participants. However, online Edcamps are allowed to source session topics through their registration process in order to best prepare for their online event.
Edcamps allow participants to collaboratively determine session topics. Typically, session topics are sourced from those attending the Edcamp and the session board is built the day of the Edcamp with participation from participants. However, online Edcamps are allowed to source session topics through their registration process in order to best prepare for their online event.
Experience, not experts:
Experience, not experts:
Edcamps encourage participants to facilitate sessions by sharing experiences. At Edcamp, we encourage conversations, not planned presentations.
Edcamps encourage participants to facilitate sessions by sharing experiences. At Edcamp, we encourage conversations, not planned presentations.
Rule of Two Feet/Clicks:
Rule of Two Feet/Clicks:
Edcamps suggest participants find sessions that meet their needs to maximize learning. If you are in a session that is not meeting your needs, we encourage you to move on to another session that may be better suited. Online Edcamps use the Rule of Two Clicks to find a session that better meets their needs!
Edcamps suggest participants find sessions that meet their needs to maximize learning. If you are in a session that is not meeting your needs, we encourage you to move on to another session that may be better suited. Online Edcamps use the Rule of Two Clicks to find a session that better meets their needs!
Vendor Free:
Vendor Free:
Edcamps may not sell any goods/services or require attendees to purchase goods or services. We do not condone inviting vendors to an Edcamp.
Edcamps may not sell any goods/services or require attendees to purchase goods or services. We do not condone inviting vendors to an Edcamp.