Edmund Heng
Welcome to my research homepage
About Me
Math, food and coffee
I'm from Malaysia and I'm currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Sydney, working under Oded Yacobi and Geordie Williamson.
From 2022-2025 I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques IHÉS.
I completed my PhD in 2022 at the Australian National University, under the supervision of Anthony Licata
My research interest lies in the intersection of representation theory, category theory, topology and dynamics. More specifically, I'm interested in:
Coxeter and Artin--Tits groups
quivers and algebras;
tensor and fusion categories;
Bridgeland stability conditions; and
Photo taken at The Ghan, together with my lovely wife.
Photo taken at Oberwolfach. (officially a mathematician?)
Mass automaton of the rank two braid group of I2(5)
Geometrical model of the A4 quiver