Commercial Insurance

San Antonio Commercial Insurance

From Worker’s Compensation, Business Umbrella Liability, Commercial Vehicles, to General Liability needs. General Commercial Insurance Coverage might vary depending on the industry.

The Ed Cuellar Agency offers a full range of commercial Insurance San Antonio through several top rated carriers. Whether it’s a Business Owners Policy (BOP), General Liability (GL), Commercial Auto, Workers Compensation or Professional Liability, Ed Cuellar’s can sell and service all of your San Antonio Commercial Coverage needs.

Our licensed staff can help company owners determine the specific coverage needed given the type of business and risk exposure. You as a local company owner provide valuable services and products within our community, but all it takes is one lawsuit due to an accident, injuries or claim of negligence to lose it all. We want you to protect your business, so that won’t happen, you and your business do need Commercial Protection.

General liability coverage protects you from legal costs in a settlement. Policies vary depending on the size of your company, type of exposure, sales volume and other rating factors. We can also cover your office building, the business’s personal property, or contractor’s equipment. We will happily supply a no-obligation quote for your companies protection, so give us a call today.

Protect your company with great coverage

Adjust with Growth

Your company is too valuable to leave unprotected. Manage the risk involved with running a business by having the right commercial protection. At Ed Cuellar we can put together a Risk Management Plan for any business in the San Antonio area.

We have years of experience determining the needs and providing the Commercial Coverage for a vast array of start-up companies.

We can also help you review your Business Insurance Policy. As you, business and its assets grow, so should your coverage. A retail store with two employees when it first opens its doors, might be at fifteen by the year’s end. Insurance policies must be adjusted accordingly, or the owner will discover that an insufficient policy can be almost as dangerous as none at all. In the event of a fire or natural weather disaster, insufficient coverage could mean never being able to re-open the business.

When was the last time you reviewed the policies on your business?

Theft Coverage

Theft coverage is a safeguard not only against external threats but protects your efforts from employees that may be looking to take advantage of your business as well. Most workers are honest and would never steal from their own company, but all it takes is one corrupt hire to potentially bankrupt your company. Many policies will only cover up to $50,000 in damages, but the average claim filed for this type of loss is almost one million. Nonessential employees stealing a small amount of petty cash is unlikely to cause a claim to be filed; it’s the higher-level managers who can loot the business and do the real damage. Imagine what an employee with access to your company’s banking information or sensitive computer data could do with just a single act of disloyalty.

Employee theft is on the rise, costing American businesses an estimated $40 billion a year. The good news is, “crime coverage” as a part of your Business Insurance Policies are relatively inexpensive. Business owners should consider employee dishonesty insurance to protect themselves against this growing problem.

For those who already have insurance to cover employee misbehavior, it’s important to remember: If you do uncover theft by an employee, don’t wait or delay taking action. Report the loss right away for a successful claim. A timely Proof of Loss report must be filed with your insurance carrier within 120 days of the date of the discovery of the theft, or most insurance carriers will automatically disallow your claim


Comprehensive Portfolios for Commercial Needs

For larger enterprises that face more unique risks, we focus on helping our clients develop a comprehensive risk management strategy. These solutions address your unique risks from a wide possibility of disasters and work to eliminate coverage gaps.

By putting together your unique portfolio we’ll evaluate your needs among the following types of coverage options:

General Liability: Under this umbrella of insurance you’ll find cyber liability, pollution liability, employment practices liability, employee benefits liability, and more.

Professional Liability: This type of insurance includes coverage for health care professionals (medical malpractice insurance), architects and engineers, lawyers, and other professionals.

Property: This insurance covers the value of the business properties and includes coastal exposures or other geographical risks.

Commercial Auto–owned and non-owned vehicle coverage.

Workers Compensation: Help in managing claims and modification factors to reduce costs.

Excess Liability Insurance (also called Umbrella Liability Insurance) to cover all the extras


At Ed Cuellar, we have experience advising businesses across all types of industries, including agribusiness, technology and construction. We also work with smaller operations offering our clients company coverage and risk advice to help protect their bottom line. Whether a sole proprietor or a mid-sized professional environment, we have access to the coverage our clients need to protect their investment.

Commercial Insurance San Antonio

San Antonio Commercial Insurance

Commercial Vehicles Insurance San Antonio

General Liability Insurance San Antonio