Save our Sussex Villages

This is the the site for the Save our Sussex Villages protest group

We need to gather together as a community to show we are an organised and effective group, all those involved stand to make large personal fortunes from this, so they will show zero compassion for our community thats why each person who joins makes us stronger.

Our goal is to prevent the overdevelopment of our rural communities, we understand the need for more housing in the UK but large scale developments such as those proposed by Eton college will:

  • Ecologically unsustainable

It will destroy many rare habitats including ancient hedgerows, chalk streams and encroach on the SDNP a world heritage site

  • Accelerate not slow climate change

Building this many houses so far from any facilities will undoubtedly cause huge emissions increases in the form of car journeys as well as deliveries to the area, this is not aligned to fighting climate change.

  • Complete lack of infrastructure

No supermarkets, not even a direct cycle path to the nearest train station from the proposed site. All three primary schools are also at capacity in the area. All surrounding villages will be impacted by this development, huge increases in traffic will be felt from Lewes to Ditchling

We intend to exert significant pressure on those with the power to stop this.

We need people to take action send letters, emails, protest, network and cajole! join us now