The Economic Theory Journal Club 

Uppsala University

Spring 2023

Roweno Heijmans "The Global Climate Game."

Fredrik Armerin : Burzoni, Matteo, Frank Riedel, and H. Mete Soner.  (2021) "Viability and arbitrage under Knightian uncertainty." Econometrica 89.3: 1207-1234. 

Erik Ekström: "Hiring and Firing Game."

Theory Workshop

Fall 2022

Alice Hallman: "Sequential Voting with Costly Information."

Daniel Klug Nogueira: Dovis, Alessandro, and Rishabh Kirpalani. (2021). "Rules without Commitment: Reputation and Incentives." The Review of Economic Studies, 88(6): 2833-2856.

Tsz Chun Kwok: Board, Simon, and Moritz Meyer‐ter‐Vehn. (2021). "Learning Dynamics in Social Networks." Econometrica, (89)6: 2601-2635. 

Amin Hussain:  "Evaluating Contracts for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products."

Fei Ao: "Optimal Aid Distribution and Poverty Traps."

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2022.

Spring 2022

Fall 2021

Barron, D., and Y. Guo. 2021. “Use and Misuse of Coordinated Punishment.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 136 (1): 471-504. 

Bernheim, B. D., Braghieri, L., Martínez-Marquina, A., & Zuckerman, D. 2021. "A Theory of Chosen Preferences." American Economic Review, 111(2), 720-54. 

Li, Shengwu. 2017. "Obviously Strategy-proof Mechanisms." American Economic Review, 107(11): 3257-87. 

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2021

Spring 2021

Caplin, Andrew, Mark Dean, and John Leahy (2019). "Rational Inattention, Optimal Consideration Sets, and Stochastic Choice." The Review of Economic Studies, 86(3): 1061--1094. 

Harel, M., E. Mossel, P. Strack, and O. Tamuz (2021). “Rational Groupthink.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 136 (1): 621--668.

Farhi, Emmanuel, and Xavier Gabaix (2020). "Optimal Taxation with Behavioral Agents." American Economic Review, 110(1): 298--336. 

Williams, Noah (2019). "Escape Dynamics in Learning Models." The Review of Economic Studies, 86(2): 882 -- 912. 

Spenkuch, Jörg L., B. Pablo Montagnes, and Daniel B. Magleby. 2018. "Backward Induction in the Wild? Evidence from Sequential Voting in the US Senate." American Economic Review, 108 (7): 1971-2013. 

Fall 2020

Besley, Timothy.  2020. "State Capacity, Reciprocity, and the Social Contract." Econometrica, 88(4): 1307-1335. 

Willemien Kets and Alvaro Sandroni. 2020. "A Theory of Strategic Uncertainty and Cultural Diversity." The Review of Economic Studies, Forthcoming, 

Grossman, Gene M., Phillip McCalman, and Robert W. Staiger. 2020. "The 'New' Economics of Trade Agreements: From Trade Liberalization to Regulatory Convergence?" Econometrica, Forthcoming

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences 

in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2020

Mailath, George J., and Larry Samuelson.  2020. "Learning under Diverse World Views: Model-Based Inference." American Economic Review, 110(5): 1464-1501.