Assistant Professor 

Department of Economics 

Stockholm School of Economics.


I am visiting  Princeton University, during the 2023-2024 academic year. 

Here is my CV.

I am an assistant professor of economics at SSE and EUDN associate. I work on topics related to Macroeconomics and Development & Growth with a special focus on firm dynamics, resource allocation and productivity. 


How does Caste affect Entrepreneurship? Birth vs. Worth,  Draft, Appendix, Slides 

Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 135, April 2023, Pages 116-133 

Coverage: Ideas For India

Working Papers

Climate Change, Firms and Aggregate Productivity, June 2024 Draft CEPR WP [Submitted]

(with Andrea Caggese,  Andrea Chiavari, Carolina Villegas-Sanchez)

The Rise of Intangible Capital and the Macroeconomic Implications, April 2024 Draft, Appendix, Slides [Submitted]

(with Andrea Chiavari)

Identity, Market Access, and Demand led Diversification, July 2024 Draft New!! [Submitted]

(with Akhil Ilango)

The Political Economy of Decentralization: Evidence from Bank Bailouts, June 2024 [Email for draft]

(with Bo Bian, Rainer Haselmann, Thomas Kick and Vikrant Vig)

Public Procurement, Competition and Market Power, 2021 Draft 

(with Jurica Zrnc)

Work in Progress

Demand for Flexible Work and Contract Choice 

(with Suanna Oh, Nandita Krishnaswamy and Yogita Shamdasani)

Risk Free Rate, Marginal Product of Capital, and Intangible Investments 

(with Andrea Chiavari  and Julia Faltermeier)