The Economics and Psychology of Decision-Making 

General Description

Research on decision-making studies the effects of psychological, cognitive and emotional factors on the way we make day-to-day economic, educational or health-related decisions. Detrimental choices and irrational behavior are often documented by psychologists and behavioral economists. Utilizing a combination of experimental methods and interdisciplinary approaches, researchers are starting to pin down the underlying mechanisms that govern cognition and emotions and shape our decisions. Results can provide valuable insights to design intervention in the area of financial decisions, health care, aging or education. 

The objective of this course is to discuss how research in psychology and behavioral economics together contribute to a better understanding of decision-making. The course will cover topics such as inter-temporal choice, self-control problems, risky behavior, social preferences and cooperative behavior.


ECON 516 schedule.docx

Weekly Schedule 


Your grades are available on Blackboard

Templates for assignments


Template PPT

(experimental paper)


Template paper

Term paper

Term paper guidelines.docx



Protocol template