At Delhi School of Economics 

Teaching Assistant, Introductory Macroeconomics (Masters level) Spring 2024 Course Information

Teaching Assistant, Introductory Macroeconomics (Masters level) Spring 2023 Course Information

At  Delhi Technological university

Instructor, Environmental Economics(BAD313) (UG) Course Information

At Jindal School of government and Public Policy

Teaching Assistant Influential Ideas on evolution of economics(UG) Fall 2021 - Course Information

Teaching Assistant Macroeconomics-2 (UG) Fall 2021 Course Information

Teaching Assistant Introductory Game theory(UG) Spring 2021 Course Information

Teaching Assistant Introductory Econometrics (Masters ) Spring 2021 Course Information(Stata Sessions)

Conferences/ Workshops 

Advanced Graduate Workshop on Poverty,Development and Globalization                                                                 July 2024

Economic Modelling Special Issue Conference (ISI-Delhi )                                                                                             April 2024

Growth, Development and Productivity: 75 Years of Indian Experiences(CDE/DSE)                                                  March 2024

The 12th South Asia Economic Policy Network Conference on Green Growth(World Bank South Asia)                  Oct 2023

PGDAV College (University of Delhi)                                                                                                                                 Apr 2023

Two-day Workshop on 75 Years of Productivity Growth in India: Issues, Measures                                                    Feb 2023

4th Annual Economics Conference (Ahmadabad University)                                                                                          Dec 2022

17th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development, ISI Delhi                                                                 Dec 2022

Second Doctoral Conference- Society of Economic research in India                                                                             Dec 2022

7th ISI IGC Summer school in Development Economics*                                                                                               July 2021

Two-Day Workshop by Gaurav Arora (IIITD) on spatial econometrics*                                                                      April 2021

Accepted (Didn't participated due to Fund/Visa restrictions ) 


* Referee Service

Indian Economic Review(1),Economic Modelling(1),Humanities and social sciences communications

** Organising Committee Member

Two day Workshop on Unequal gains from trade (CDE-IDE)*                                                         Sept 2022

Student Seminar Coordinator, Delhi School of economics                                                                  2022 -23

*** Discussion Slides 

Total Factor Productivity Growth in Indian Agriculture and Regional Convergence                                                  March 2024