International Symposium

"Quantitative Ecological Modeling for Biodiversity, Conservation, and Management"

Date: October 25 th, 2023 (Wed) 1:00 ~ 5:00 PM

Venue: Yokohama Station at Fisheries Resources Institute along with online via Microsoft Teams (hybrid format)

Language: English

Organizer: Shota NISHIJIMA and Hiroshi OKAMURA (Fisheries Research and Education Agency)

 Please register to attend from here by 6:00 PM on October 23th, 2023.  

Microsoft Formsから10月23日の午後6時までに参加登録をお願いします。現地参加、オンライン参加いずれの場合もご登録ください

Quantitative analysis is required to predict the environmental response of organisms and to implement appropriate conservation and management measures, but available data are often limited or highly uncertain. To cope with the lack of data and high uncertainty, various hierarchical and state-space models have been developed for understanding and conserving biodiversity and managing biological resources. As Dr. Mollie E. Brooks from Technological University of Denmark will be visiting Japan, we are organizing the international symposium "Quantitative Ecological Modeling for Biodiversity, Conservation, and Management. Dr. Brooks is a developer of ‘glmmTMB’, an R package for generalized linear models that can handle flexible probability distributions and random effects and works on population dynamics models and other analyses using advanced statistical techniques. In this symposium, Dr. Brooks will give a keynote talk on evaluating the effects of size selectivity of fishing gear, and five Japanese researchers working on biodiversity assessment and fishery resource management will also give presentations.

生物の環境応答を予測し、適切な保全・管理策を実施するためには、定量的な解析が求められるが、利用可能なデータが限定的であったり、不確実性が高かったりすることも多い。データ不足や不確実性の高い状況に対処するため、様々な階層モデルや状態空間モデルの開発が進められており、生物多様性の理解・保全や生物資源の管理に役立てられている。今回、デンマーク工科大学のMollie E. Brooks博士が来日するにあたって、国際シンポジウム「Quantitative Ecological Modeling for Biodiversity, Conservation, and Management」を企画した。Brooks博士は、柔軟な確率分布やランダム効果の取り扱いが可能な一般化線形モデルのRパッケージglmmTMBの開発者であり、高度な統計モデルを駆使して、個体群動態モデル等の解析に取り組んでいる。本シンポジウムでは、Brooks博士に漁具のサイズ選択性の影響評価に関する基調講演を行って行うほか、生物多様性評価や水産資源管理に関する研究に取り組んでいる5名の国内研究者にも発表をしていただく。

 問い合わせ先 (contact):西嶋翔太 nishijima_shota"at" ("at"を@に変換してください)


About the keynote speaker "Dr. Mollie Elizabeth Brooks"

She works as a  Senior Researcher / Associate Professor at National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark. The general aim of her research is to improve the quality and effectiveness of the quantitative methods used for population modelling. Her most popular work so far has been in using generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) for ecology and evolution (Bolker et al. 2009, Brooks et al. 2019) and writing open source software (glmmTMB) to fit these models (Brooks et al. 2017). Some recent applications of GLMMs in her research are to model how bycatch rates of unwanted species are affected by fishing gear design (Kratzer et al. 2021) and to model how the distribution of jellyfish depends on ocean conditions (Lüskow et al. 2022). She will visit Japan with the JSPS BRIDGE Fellowship from late October to early November to give seminars and presentations on using GLMMs and their extensions. 

Selected publications (google scholar citation)



This symposium is supported by JSPS BRIDGE Fellowship and JSPS KAKENHI 22K20672

本シンポジウムはJSPS BRIDGE Followship およびJSPS科研費22K20672の助成を受けて開催されます